Iste Standard 2 Rationale 2

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Standard Two: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning

Experiences and Assessments

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning
experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and
resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.

Name of Artifact: Inspiration Concept Map

Date: October 2014
Course: EDUC 201: Using Computers in Education

Brief Description: This assignment is a complex map that displays different

options students have to learn the same things. It is based off of students with
special needs, or students who just need an alternative way to learn to the best of
their ability.
Rationale: To demonstrate my understanding of Standard Two: Design and
Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, I have chosen to
include my Inspiration Concept Map. This assignment is very complex in
appearance, but the construction of it was fairly simple. When students create a
map like this, or teachers create a map, it does not have to have so many different
components. The purpose of this assignment was to identify different processes
and programs available to special needs students which can adapt the learning
process and create a whole new way for a student to learn best. It displays what
can be authentic learning experiences for students who are not able to learn with
traditional practices and incorporates contemporary tools and technologies which
are out in the world specifically for special needs students who need an alternative
method of learning. It offers frustrated students a chance to thrive. I created this

assignment via a free month trial of Inspiration.

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