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Emily Oot]
French/Italian/ Arabic : French

OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to identify the different vocabulary associated with talking
about the weather. They will be able to identify the 4 seasons, and what the weather is like in
each season. They will be able to ask their friends and family what kind of weather or what
season they prefer. They will also be able to describe the weather with adjectives and other
keywords. They will also be able to identify the months in the year.
OPEN/HOOK/PROMPT: Students will watch a short video of a French weatherman describing
the weather and giving a weather report in France. (authentic material). After they have watched
the video, the presentation will begin. Instructor will place 4 pictures on the board (one depicting
each season.) Instructor will go through each season and explain what it is. Then, instructor will
go through the months of the year one by one. Then, the students will individually place the
month under the correct season (with magnets). After they have done this, the instructor will use
TPR to depict the type of weather that occurs during each season. En hiver, il fait froid,
instructor will make a gesture like she is cold by rubbing her hands together and shivering. After
the instructor has gone through each season and temperature, she will check their
comprehension. Instructor will hold up a new picture of a season and ask students, Quelle
saison? Il fait froid ou chaud?" (15 mins presentation)
1) Interpretive activity: Students will be given pictures on a worksheet, and they will be
asked to identify what season it is for each picture. Then, students will be given pictures
depicting holidays, and students will identify which month of the year these holidays take
place. (5 mins.)
2) Interpersonal activity: Students will go around the classroom and speak to 5 students.
They must ask these students what season they prefer and why, quelle saison prfrezvous? They will complete a table with this information. After they have collected
enough data, they will write a short paragaph about the information they have collected
and make a conclusion about the most popular season in the class. (10 mins)
3) Presentational: Students will be divided into groups of 3. Each group will be given a
painting by Claude Monet. Each painting represents a different season. The group must
come up with a short presentation to the class about the painting and what season it is in
the painting. They must use weather keywords to describe the season as well. (15 mins.)
(culture with Monet)
CULTURE: Claude Monet- french artist, weather video
CLOSE: Students will present their painting to the class

NOTES: 5 mins. for instructions

HOMEWORK: activities on ilrn, read for the next class

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