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Emily Oot]
French/Italian/ Arabic French
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to identify the members of their family. They will also be
able to use possessive adjectives when talking about their family. (e.g. mon, ma, mes, ton, ta
tes, son, sa, ses)
OPEN/HOOK/PROMPT: I will present a slideshow of my family to my students. I will introduce
each individual member and say (for example) : C'est ma mre, elle s'appelle Jill. After I have
introduced each family to my students, I will then quiz them on the presentation, by posting
pictures of my family member on the board and asking them, Qui est? Comment elle/il
s'appelle? (15 mins)
Interpretive activity: Students will be asked to identify my family members after I have presented
them to the class. They will also complete a short activity based on the possessive adjectives.
(5 mins)
Interpersonal activity: Students will work with a partner and take turns telling them about their
family. While they are telling them about their family, the other student will draw a picture of their
family. After everyone has finished, they will present each other's families to the class. (15-20
mins) (communication)
Presentational: Students are asked to write a short paragraph (5-7 sentences) about their
family. They are asked to write their names, the activities they enjoy doing, and when their
birthday is. (5-10 mins)
CULTURE: comparison of nicknames for family members in English and French. (e.g. maman
vs. mommy)
CLOSE: I will call on a few volunteers to read their paragraphs to the class.
NOTES:5 mins for instructions

HOMEWORK: activities on iLrn and read.

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