Restaurantlessonplan 1

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Emily Oot]
French/Italian/ Arabic French
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to order a meal in French. They will be able to identify what
they want to order, and they will be able to go to a restaurant in France and order their meal in
French, using Je voudrais They will gain a better understanding of what a menu in France
would look like, and they will understand the experience of going to a restaurant in France.
OPEN/HOOK/PROMPT: I will present the vocabulary associated with the restaurant in a
powerpoint slideshow. Students will be able to read a menu from France (authentic material). I
will also present the table setting in France. Students will learn how to properly order food in
French. (15 mins)


Interpretive activity: Students will identify (pictures) the different vocabulary associated with
restaurants (une serveuse, un bol, une tasse, un couteau). They will then set a table using
pictures on the board. I will call volunteers to the board to set the table. (culture) (5-7 mins)
Interpersonal activity: Students will conduct a roleplay in a restaurant scene. One student will be
the server and the other student will be the customer. All students will be given an authentic
menu from France (culture). They will order what they want from the menu. They will then
switch roles. After both students have played the server and the customer, I will call on a few
volunteers to come to the front of the classroom and present this to the class. (communication)
(15 mins)
Presentational: Students will be asked to write a review about the restaurant where they ordered
their food from. They will be asked to include their experience with the server, and the quality of
the food they had. I will then call on volunteers to read their critique to the class. (5-10 mins)

CULTURE: authentic french menu

CLOSE: Students will share their reviews/critiques with the class.

NOTES: 5 mins for instruction/corrections

HOMEWORK: activities on iLrn/ read

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