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Library Improvement Action Plan

GOAL: The school library program has a long-term strategic plan for improving the
program that reflects the mission, goals, and objectives of the school
Objective: Create a timeline to guide ongoing evaluation of the school library program.
Target Groups: Administrators
What? Share ideas on improving the library program for 2012-2013.
Where? Library
When? November
Who? Librarian and principal
How? 30 minutes meeting
Communication Tools: Email request for meeting
Evaluation: Evaluation will be completed monthly to see how the improvement
ideas are being implemented
GOAL: All positions in the library have job descriptions outlining roles, responsibilities,
competencies, and qualifications.
Objective: Use professional resources and articles to create job descriptions for library
positions and share that information with the people filling those roles.
Target Groups: Paraprofessionals, student aides, and volunteers
What? Have those helping in the library review a description of their job
Where? Library
When? November
Who? Librarian
How? 20-minute presentation for each group separately
Communication Tools: Copies of the job description, verbal request
Evaluation: Recorded observation of the performance of the staff
GOAL: The library provides a learning space for the students and school community that
is up-to-date, easy to access, and meets the needs of all the users.
Objective: The library will provide maximum access to patrons.
Target Groups: Students, teachers, parents, and administrators
What? Create an online site to access to library resources and recommended sites
Where? Library website
When? November

Who? Librarian
How? Using online materials from the school and public library
Communication Tools: Letters home, classroom training on how to use the library
Evaluation: Students will be asked how easy the website is to use and how often
they use it, teachers will be asked how often they assign homework or projects that would
benefit from the use of the library website, hits on the site will be recorded
GOAL: The school library program has sufficient funding to support priorities and make
steady progress to attain the programs mission, goals, and objectives.
Objective: Current market data about information resource costs is collected and shared
with the principal.
Target Groups: Principal
What? Information about the ways that I have price-compared items this last year
and how wisely the extra monies requested would be used
Where? Meeting
When? January
Who? Principal
How? Request a meeting with the principal to discuss the budget for next year
Communication Tools: email invitation, meeting, handout with information
Evaluation: The success of this meeting will be based on how the principal reacts
and what kind of decisions he makes about the budget for next year.
GOAL: Library policies support equitable access to ideas and information throughout the
school community.
Objective #1: Teachers understand the established policy for reserving and scheduling use
of library space and resources.
Target Groups: Teachers
What? Train teachers to use Google calendar
Where? Library
When? Teacher work day
Who? Librarian
How? 30 minute presentation on how to use Google calendar
Communication tools: Flyers, email, a short presentation on how to use Google
Evaluation: Poll of the teachers asking their understanding of the process,
evaluation of the use of the calendar to request library resources

Objective #2: Appropriate members of the school community will be asked for their
input during policy development.
Target Groups: Teachers and administration
What? Asking for input on the library policies and ideas that would be helpful
Where? Library
When? Monthly and after certain events/projects
Who? Librarian, teachers and administration
How? After any event or projects the people involved will be asked their opinion
of how it went and for ideas on how to make it better. There will also be reminders in the
monthly newsletters that input is always welcome as well as questions about how newly
implemented ideas.
Communication tools: questionnaires for special events and projects, newsletters
Evaluation: I will evaluate the number of suggestions made and the reaction to
their implementation.
GOAL: The library program builds support from individuals and groups who affect the
quality of the library program.
Objective #1: The librarian will actively participate in the PTA.
Target Groups: PTA
What? Will participate in PTA events and meetings
Where? PTA meetings and events
When? School year
Who? Librarian
How? Attend and participate in PTA events
Communication tools: handouts, emails, and interactions at meetings
Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on the support of library policies and goals
from the PTA at the end of the school year
Objective #2: The library website, parent newsletters, e-mail, and other formats are used
to communicate with library stakeholders about the library program events, goals, and
Target Groups: teachers, administration, and parents
What? Will send out newsletters and email
Where? Email, mail, interoffice mail
When? Once a month
Who? Librarian

How? Keep them up-to-date on the current and future projects of the library
Communication tools: letters, handouts, emails
Evaluation: Ill ask for feedback so I will see how many people respond and are
interested in the ideas.
GOAL: There is support for school librarian and teacher professional development to
sustain and increase knowledge and skills.
Objective: There are professional development opportunities for professional and
paraprofessional staff.
Target Groups: Teachers
What? Train teachers in the use of their personal web page
Where? Library
When? Teacher work day
Who? Librarian
How? An hour training workshop
Communication tools: Email, interoffice mail
Evaluation: Poll of the teachers asking their understanding before and after the
presentation, evaluation of the use of their personal pages
GOAL: The school library program is built by professionals who model leadership and
best practice for the school community.
Objective: The school library program will meet school, state, and national educational
program standards.
Target Groups: Principal
What? Evaluation of the library based on AASL standards
Where? Library
When? Beginning and end of the year
Who? Librarian
How? 30-minute meeting with principal to present the findings
Communication tools: email, evaluation paper
Evaluation: How much the program has improved over the year, the principal
will be asked for his input on the library program and its evaluation.

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