Com 320 Campaign 2 Creative Brief Final

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Strategic copywriter: Aaron Morden

Client: Peoria Riverfront Museum

Social Campaign
Creative Brief
1. What is our communication objective(s)?
For the Peoria Riverfront Museums campaign, there are 4 primary communication objectives
that it should achieve:
Inform the target community about the benefits of visiting the PRM such as:
o Having a fun and education experience
o Time for families to be together and learn with kids
o Movie theatre
o Exhibits
Change community perception of the PRM as overpriced and disappointing into a
perception of enjoyment, satisfaction, and community
Build one consistent theme/message for the PRM of a unified, shared experience
Persuade the target community to visit the PRM
Big Idea:
Share life.
2. What does our target community look like and what are the key insights (which is where the
user experience(s) will take place)?
In general, the target community of this campaign should be the families in the Peoria area,
resident and non-resident. This community is very broad because this campaign will target the
different groups with the community. These groups include:
Elementary age children (2-13 years old)
The older siblings of the young children (14-25)
Parents of these children (25+)
Typically, the members of this community are generally well off financially, as well as typically
more educated, and on average white. This by no means indicates that the target community is
solely well off, white families, but that there is a significant market for this type of consumer
within the community. The racial makeup of this community is: White alone 60.4%, Black alone
26.7%, Hispanic 4.9%, Asian alone 4.5%, two or more races 3.0%, American Indian alone 0.2%,
other race alone 0.2%, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0.02%. Income wise,
16.55% earn less than 15k, 5.82% earn between 15k-20k, 12.15% earn 20k-30k, 9.76% earn
30k-40k, 9.00% earn 40k-50k, 7.52% earn 50k-60k, 9.15% earn 60k-75k, 11.51% earn 75k100k, 10.84% earn 100k-150k, 3.39% earn 150k-200k, and 4.30% earn 200k+.
There are a number of key insights about this about this target community. For example, many
members of this community see museums as elitist, and others feel that they are great
opportunities to enrich their cultural understanding. In general though, the vast majority of this
community see the PRM as overpriced, regardless of how they feel about it. The members of this
community are families that range across the board; from new parents just starting families, to
well established families with a few kids. The idea is to reach as many family members as
possible, from youngest to oldest, as long as they share a connection with their family. In
essence, the target community is not made up of individuals, but rather groups of people; this is
something that is best experienced with other people. Online, almost all members of this target
community have some form of social media presence; specifically on Facebook. The relatively
older the demographic, the more social media platforms they will have, until around the 30+
demographic. Between 14 and roughly 29, these people have a Facebook (which is considered
old-school), Twitter (which a great way to communicate), and an Instagram account (which is a

fun and relatively self centered way to share images from their lives). The older demographic
will have less experience on social media, but will be very active with online versions of
newspapers (such as the
3. Who are the opinion leaders in our target community?
In the target community there are 3 main opinion leaders. These opinion leaders influence
members of the community about what choices they should make regarding cultural experiences
in Peoria and how they perceive Peoria in general. These opinion leaders are:
The Peoria Journal Star
Phil Luciano (columnist for the PJ Star)
The Buzz (PJ Star blog for all things entertainment in Peoria)
The PJ Star is a great source of news and influence for the parents, and too a lesser extent, the
older children. Phil Lucianos column is great for those who read the PJ Star. And The Buzz falls
into the same general audience, but younger and more active online. The older children are more
influenced by people their own age, their parents to a lesser degree, and social media (which is
an extension of friends). The young children, though, are influenced by their parents and
teachers. They essentially are influenced by any adult figure of authority.
4. What is our ideal user experience and what is the one thing we want users to take away from
this experience?
The ideal user experience for the PRM has many parts to it. First of all, we want to have an
active dialogue and communication with the target community. By using the PRMs main
webpage as a hub for all other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram),
we will create one central area where the target audience can connect with each other and the
PRM. On each of the social media platforms, the idea driving their purpose is the same as the
Big Idea for the campaign: Share life. We want the target audience to share and communicate
easily and effectively, by sharing stories, experiences, photos, tweets, posts, videos, etc. We
want people to share life by using the shared experience of the PRM.
5. What are the most important supporting facts?
The most important facts that this campaign should consider are:
29.0% of households within the target community had children under the age of 18 living
with them
The PRM is roughly only two years old
There are other places within the Greater Peoria area that cater to the same audience as
and offer similar experiences, such as: The Wheels OTime Museum, the Peoria
Historical Society, and the Caterpillar Visitors Center/Museum which is right next door.
When asked how to improve the museum, a vast majority of people responded by
wishing for new exhibits and price reductions
39% of people get their news online or from social media sites
o Of that, 78% said they used a phone to get news
o The other 32% used some other form of mobile device

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