Parent Presentation

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Melinda Johnson

ECE 497

Tracy Reed
November 21, 2014

Period of development this presentation

focuses on Getting to know each other.
Lincoln Elementary (PreK to 6th grades) we will be hosting a
greet and eat Thanksgiving dinner where all are invited
(students and their families, and community members). We
are asking parents and the community to bring in different
foods that are examples of your heritage/culture to share . We
are asking that you bring foods of Mexican, Indian,
American, and etc. to be shared by all. This will be a time to
meet everyone, a chance to get to know each other, and try
some new dishes. There will also be games. Let us be
thankful for this
Thanksgiving together.

My Role as a Childcare Professional

My role and goal as a childcare professional is to treat
every individual as the unique person that they are. I
want to encourage community support by inviting them
in to get to know each other, and to give them a chance
to ask questions, voice their concerns, and grow
together. My role is to keep a positive attitude and to
keep communication open. I want everyone to feel
comfortable when it comes to any school function. I
want to build trust between me, the student, and their

Communication Builds Good


It is Important to Build Trust

It is important to build lasting relationships in
childrens life's. It is equally important to build good
solid relationships between parents and the community.
As a childcare professional, one important step is the
collaboration between schools and parents is the
foremost approach to accurate educational planning
(Wellner, 2012).

Mesosystem from Bronfenbrenners

Ecological System
Human development is influenced by different types of
environmental systems. Each one of us is connected to
the environment around us. It helps us grow in good
ways but could also cause growth to be disrupted and
disturbed. Children grow and connect with parents,
teachers and communities every day. The psychologist Urie
Bronfenbrenner, proposed that we encounter different
environments throughout our life cycle. Each one of these life
cycles influence our life in either a good way or they could
cause emotional stress.

Bronfenbrenners Ecological System

Mesosystem from Bronfenbrenners

Ecological System
The micro system- is where we have direct contact with our family,

friends, teachers, etc.

The mesosystem- is where when a child has problems (abuse) at
home it may cause the child to isolate himself from others at
school or from his teacher.
The exosystem- where the child may bond with the parent when the
parent is not present. Causing conflicts with the other parent.
The macrosystem-the culture of an individual.
The chronosystem- the shifts of a lifespan (divorce,
death, or any life changing happening).

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Epsteins types of Involvement includes ;
Learning at Home
Decision Making
Collaborating with the Community

Parenting Support
Teachers can offer positive support to the parents by

offering support and assistance by helping the parent be

more equipped when it comes to parenting a child. For
example, making sure the parent can help the child by
checking to see if the parent is educated or not. Helping
assist the parent by giving out information and resources to
help the parent get their

or high school diploma would help the parent be better

qualified to give positive support to the child. Suggest
reading with the child to form a bond with the child and
improve in language skills.

Keeping a good line of communication is important

when it comes to both parents and students. Encourage

the parent to come to teacher/parent conferences.
Establish and keep in good contact by using phone,
email, and newsletters. It will be a
Positive reinforcement for your
childs life.

Encourage parents to volunteer for activities, field

trips, cooking, story time, etc. Having parents involved

with school activities will open the door for good
communication between teacher, parents and students.

Learning at Home
Teachers can help parents develop a place for the child

to set up and learn. Encouraging a good quiet place to

work at home will help the child improve in his school

Decision Making
Parent involvement in decision making in fundraisers,

and etc. can help achieve goals. Children of parents that

help make decisions will benefit from seeing their
parents actively working positively to benefit schools
and students. Partnerships with teachers, schools, and
the community will influence the learning and
development of children.

Community Activities
Involving the community in helping strengthen strong

students by having activities that involve the

community. Recreational, cultural , and athletic
activities can provide opportunities in the community.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Builds Partnerships
When it comes to the Epsteins six types of school-

teacher and community involvement and interaction,

it gives the community, children and their families to
have to opportunity to work together and get to know
each other. According to text, involvement in
parenting and collaborating with the community
interactions reveals a partnership (Griffin & Steen,
2010). Partnership builds long term relationships.

Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Griffin, D. & Steen, S. School-Family-Community
Partnerships: Applying Epstein's Theory of the Six
Types of Involvement to School Counselor Practice.
Professional School Counseling. 13, 4, 218-226, Apr.
2010. ISSN: 10962409.
Wellner, L. (2012). Building Parent Trust in the Special
Education Setting. Leadership, 41(4), 16-19

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