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Classroom Rules and Consequences

General Rules:

Have respect for myself, others, and their property.

Come prepared to class.
When I am talking, you are not.
No lining up at the door at the end of class. Wait till the bell!

1. First offense: verbal warning
2. Second offense: Excused from the class and an individual discussion.
3. Third offense: Parent notification.
4. Fourth offense: Detention/Friday School
5. Fifth offense: Meeting with principal/Assistant Principle

Students should have a clear idea of what is expected in my classroom. This will be
discussed on the first day of school and implemented immediately. It is important that
students have consequences for their actions in my classroom and in the school. These
are a guide line for them to have success in my class.

Classroom Management Plan

Management and Organization
Classroom rules, consequences, and procedures will be discussed on the first day
of school in the syllabus.
A seating chart will be created to help avoid behavior issues. Adjustments will be
made as needed.
Areas around the room will be labeled clearly.
Ex: Calculator checkout, turning in assignments, previous days lesson if they
are absent.
Lesson plans will be thorough and well planned so that the full time of the class
period is used.
Assessments will be based on the objectives and standards set for each unit.
Expectations of the Teacher
The students can expect me to come to class well prepared.
I will use the entire class period to enhance their knowledge of the subject and
push them to think for themselves.
Grading assignments and assessments will be done in a timely matter.
If extra help is needed, I will be there to meet before or after school to help the
I will be a guide to their learning, not just an instructor.

Respecting the students and their specific needs and trying to incorporate them as
best as I can into my daily plans.
Expectations of the Students
Come to class prepared. Whether thats completing the assignment due that day or
studying for their assessment.
Seeking extra help if needed. If they are not understanding a lesson they need to
feel comfortable asking for help.
Students will have respect for themselves, their teacher, and their fellow
Students will follow the rules that were explained on the first day of class.

Beginning of class
Students should be in their seats before the bell rings.
If there is a bell ringer on the board they should be working on this or waiting
patiently for me to start class.
During the lesson
Students should remain in their seats and be paying attention.
Occasionally there will be notes to take. They should write these down in their
notes notebook.
Wait to get up or sharpen pencils or go to the bathroom until it is work time.
End of class
Make sure you have the homework assignment written down.
No lining up at the door. Work on their homework until class time is over.

Remain in your seats until the bell rings.

Remain in your seat. If you have a question just raise your hand and I will come to
Once finished, work on other homework or read silently at your desk until all
assessments are turned in.
In order to borrow a calculator you must exchange is for something of value.
The calculators are laid out on a table that is labeled with their number. You must
replace the calculator with either your school I.D., or license.
Once the calculator is returned, you may take your I.D. back.
If you are absent their is a folder of the previous days notes in it.
All hand outs, notes, and worksheets will be in this folder labeled for each day.
It is your responsibility to show me homework that was due the previous day and to
ask for help if you dont understand the lesson you missed.

Classroom discipline
Minor Disruptions
When a student has a minor issue that needs to be addressed I dont think that it is
necessary for the student to be embarrassed in front of the whole class. Instead I
would make a subtle notion to them that they need to stop, whether that is walking by
their desk during lecture, or quickly telling them to stop and not okay as I lecture and
continue on as if they hadnt interrupted at all.

On-going Discipline Issues

If a student continues to cause issues in the class after I have already given them a
warning, then I would feel the need to pull them outside of the classroom. While they
were in the hallway I would give the class some problems to try on their own and
then I would go and talk to the student out in the hallway. Sometimes it might be a
bad day or something else might be going to cause the student to act that way. Its
important to understand this might be the case. However, the students still needs to
know that its not appropriate. If not, then the student can stay out in the hallway so
that they dont disrupt the rest of the class.
Aggressive and Violent Behaviors
If a student has violent behavior, it is important to separate them immediately from
the rest of the students for their safety. They would be sent out to the hallway
immediately and shortly after I would walk him down to the office. The consequences
there after would be dealt with by the principal in accordance to the student hand
book. Violent behavior is dangerous to the other students and should not be put up

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