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Name _____________________ Observation Date _______ Observation Time_______

Experience B-3 (Due October 4)

(B-3) Objective: To observe connections between learning language and learning to read
and write.
Directions: Observe how the teacher makes the connections between learning language and
learning to read and write.
1. What concepts about written language are students learning?

2. Describe how the teacher makes connections between learning language and
learning to read and write.

3. Describe how the teacher makes connections between learning language and
learning to read and write for students whose first language is not English.

4. How much time is spent on reading (in minutes)?

5. How much time is spent on writing (in minutes)?

6. During the teaching of reading, what kind of feedback did the teacher give to students
during reading activities? How did the students respond?

7. During the teaching of writing, what kind of feedback did the teacher give to students
during writing activities? How did the students?

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