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LAOS: The land of Million Elephants

Country Name:
Map reference:

Lao Peoples Democratic Republic

Southeast Asia
Vientiane (Viangchan)
Lao or Laotian
Lao (official), French, English, and various ethnic languages
Theravada Buddhist 67%,
Christian 1.5%, unspecified 31.5%
6,803,699 (July 2014)
Land Area:
236,800 sq km
Land Boundaries:
Burma 235 km, Cambodia 541 km, China 423 km, Thailand 1,754 km, Vietnam
2,130 km
Tropical Monsoon; rainy season (May to November Dry season (December to
Natural Resources:
timber, hydropower, gypsum, tin, gold, gemstone
July 19, 1949
National Holiday:
Republic Day, December 2, 1975
Literacy Rate:
Male-89.2% Female- 78.7%
Gross Domestic Product: 0.02%
Gross National Product: 30.96
1991 Constitution (amended 2003)
Legal System:
Civil Law System similar to French
Chief of the State:
Pres.Choummali Saignason (Sayasone)
Head of Government:
PM Thongsing Thammavong
Important historical trends:
8th Century- Lao people migrated to Laos; they are originally come from South China
14th Century- The first kingdom emerged in Laos known as Lan Xang meaning million elephants
1893- Laos became French Protectorate
1950- Laos gained its Independence and Prince Souvanna Phouma became the leader of Royal Regime
1951-Souphanouvong organized the Pathet lao (Communist Independence Movement)
1975-The Pathet Lao take over Laotian Peninsula and Kaysone Phomvihane is the first president
1995- US lifted 20 yrs. Economic Embargo
1997- Laos became member of Association of Southeast Asian Nation
2011- New Stock Market opened in Vientiane as part of experimentation to capitalism
Group 6 of CAS-01-601A
Government Analysis on Southeast Asia
All Rights Reserved 2014

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