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Evaluation of the Diocesan Mission Statement

Write the current mission statement for the diocesan schools.

Answer the following questions:

Crafting Effective Mission and Vision Statements Emil Angelica 2001

1. Is the current statement short and memorable? If not, underline the key words that
should be kept.
2. Does the current statement describe the good the diocesan schools are doing and for
whom? Cross off words that do not need to be included. Add words that are missing.
3. Is the current statement grounded in the core values you identified? The new
statement should capture the essence of the core values without listing them.
4. Does the current statement generally cover the underlying strategies of the diocesan
5. Does the current statement encompass all the people our schools serve? If not, which
groups of people are missing?
6. Does the current statement clearly communicate who we are? If not, does it need more
clarity? Does it need less jargon?
7. Is the current statement something that stakeholders will get excited about and provide
a sense of pride?

Drafting a Mission Statement

Gather the members of the review team and divide into groups of two or three people. Each
small group will create several drafts of a mission statement. All the drafts are to be collected

by a two or three person writing team. The writing team will summarize and refine the
statements to produce a single statement. This new statement is to be presented to the larger
group for review and then sent to stakeholders for adoption.

Write two drafts of a mission statement that clarify the purpose of the diocesan schools in one


As you create this new statement, make sure it answers the following questions:
1. In broad terms, what are our diocesan schools trying to achieve?

2. Who is our target population?

3. Will this statement stand the test of time?

Circulate for Review

Allow the Bishop, the board, and superintendent to review and modify the mission
Review all proposed changes.
Align changes and stay true to the relationship between the mission and vision.
Redistribute to leaders for approval.

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