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Coach Sanders

English class- 11th grade.

This is the plan for writing a philosophical and artistic analysis of a work
of literature
1. Choose a novel of literary merit. 2. Closely read the novel noting key
factors, especially theme. 3. Research philosophies which relate to the
themes of the novel. 4. Research examples of artistic expression which
relates to the novel which includes the visual and audio arts. 5. Create a
question around which you will center your research. 6. Write a
guess(hypothesis) of what the answer will be. This is a working thesis
statement. 6. Research web and library for information on the novel,
relevant philosophies and artistic expression 7. Use note cards to write
bibliographic info. 8. Note the relevant aspects of the readings 9. Write
questions for me/comments/progress report throughout the project 10.
Outline the paper according to format. 11. Create a rough draft 12.
Evaluate peer's papers using teacher designed rubric. 13. Write paper
using MLA style and parenthetical notation 14. Hand in paper the day
before midterm exams.
1. To help students gain broader perspectives on the study of literature
2. To develop critical reading skills as the students research information
3. To enhance credibility on topics so that the students may present an
informed position. 4. To present a position about literature that is
informed and well documented with credible references. 5. To use basic
research terms correctly: common knowledge; direct quotation,
parenthetical citations, paraphrase, signal phrase, works cited
page,primary and secondary sources 6. To develop the skill of using
TURN-IT-IN 7. To organize, develop, and complete a well researched
document. 8. To revise after peer evaluations 10. To write a paper that
is both creative and analytical, one with interest and insight.
The students will: 1. Select a novel of literary merit, one that interests
them. This is the key to the research. Even the most reluctant writer will
succeed when the book selected is enjoyable to him/her. 2. Develop
knowledge of major philosophies and major artistic expressions. 3.
Decide which philosopher and artist best suits the paper. 4. Write a
central question and a thesis so that the research may be focused 5.
Write notes throughout the research 6.. Develop a progress report
throughout the assignment 7. Develop research skills 8. Evaluate works
from the internet in order to choose the highest quality material. 9.
Create a rough draft of the paper 10.Evaluate peer's paper 11.Develop
methods of rewriting skills 12.Create a well documented, creative and
interesting paper 13.Evaluate paper prior to turning it into teacher.

1. Novels, Philosophy and Art Literature 2. Use of the library 3. Use of

the computer centers 4. Teacher made hand-outs to help with the
research paper 5. Teacher made calendar with check point dates
The research paper begins during the first week of October and will be
completed by mid-January. We will continue with the curriculum and will
spend a some class periods in the library and in the computer room. In
addition to the above goals and objectives, I want the students to be
interested in the project and not just go through the motions.
Throughout the process, the students will receive several handouts with
examples of the elements mentioned above. The first explanation will be
a teacher led demonstration. I will choose two novels the students have
read and chart what would be a possible proposal. GRENDEL-NIHILISMGUERNICA THE GREAT GATSBY-CAPITALISM-JAZZ
The students will create their own links for the paper (see above). The
students will research the topics. The students will develop progress
reports that include questions for the teacher. The students will take
notes and evaluate the web sites The students will receive handouts and
graphic organizers to help organize their ideas
1. Students will choose how they wish to take notes(note
cards/journals/notations 2. Students will have the option to change topic
w/i first 10 days. 3. Students may work in guidance to avoid the
potentially distracting atmosphere in the library. 4. Teacher will ask
students directly about needed help and what needs to be done next. 5.
Students will receive calendar with specific goals for each day. 6.
Students will be able to stretch the arts into film, music and theater.
1. Student response journals 2. Teacher/students communication 3.
Notes 4. Works Cited Page 5. Outline 6. Paper
During the days that follow the exams, we will hear about the papers the
students wrote. They will not read them, but will discuss the various
ideas they developed. Also, they will discuss what they learned and what
they may do differently next time.
The students will receive a time line which will include the points for the
items mentioned above.

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