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Katie Mix

December 2, 2014
ENGL 414 Burke
Multicultural- Homeless Bird

Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan is a heart-touching story about an Indian girl named
Koly. It was interesting to read about mainly for the fact that it was from a culture I know very
little about. It was an emotional read about a poor girl being forced to marry and leave her home
at just thirteen years old. The hardships she endures are rather remarkable. I would not read this
in my elementary classroom because of all the negativity. I suppose this was the reality of India,
but this book really shows this culture in such a negative light.
The book told the story of thirteen year old Koly who was tricked into marrying a boy her
same age who had tuberculosis. He ended up dying, leaving Koly with basically nothing, but a
quilt her mother made for her. As the story progresses, Koly ends up on the streets and is taken
in by a man named Raji who takes her to a shelter that provides her a place to stay and food to
eat. To raise some money, she works in an embroidery shop, which is one of her true talents. She
is worried she will never marry because now she is a widow and not many families would want
her as a daughter-in-law. But kind Raji builds a room for her in his new home and Koly accepts
his offer of being together.
There are many hardships shows throughout the book. Between the widespread poverty,
the trickery of marrying a dying boy, disease, robberies, homelessness, and more, there are many
elements this book demonstrates that show Indian culture very negatively. I do not think I would
want my children to read this at a young age. Even the book itself says on the back, age 10 and
up. Although it is realistic, many children are not ready to read about such hardships. They
should be reading more uplifting stories in my opinion. The reality and hardships this book
displays are for a more mature audience. This book should not be meant for young children,
although it is a heart-warming read with an educational cultural theme.

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