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Sexual Attitudes in the U.S.

Sexual Attitudes in the U.S.

Sexual Attitudes in the U.S.



The Sexual Revolution

The Sexual Revolution

Indication: Industrialization
1920s - Roaring Twenties
Alfred Kinsey - Sexual Revolution
1960s - Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll

- If it feels good, do it
Baby boom generation- born between 1946
and 1964
Technology - birth control pill

Double standard- allows men to be

sexually active
-expects women to be
virgins until marriage

The Sexual

The Sexual Counterrevolution

Conservative call for a return

to family values
Change from sexual freedom
to sexual responsibility

Objected to:
- Free love
- Cohabitation

- Unmarried couples having


Premarital Sex

Premarital Sex
Sexual intercourse before marriage
Adults say:
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29%- always wrong, almost always

17%- wrong only sometimes
52%- not wrong at all
Young people do:
50% men and 6% women- have had
PMS before age 19
46%- have had PMS by the time they
are seniors in high school

Common belief- more young

people engages in oral sex.
Abstinence-not having sexual

Sex Between Adults

Sex Between Adults

No single stereotype accurately describes sexual activity in the U.S.
It is married people who have sex with partners the most.
Married people also report highest level of satisfaction (emotional and
physical) with their partners.


Extramarital Sex

Extramarital Sex
Also known as Adultery
75% men and 90% women
remain faithful
Higher among the young
Higher among the men
Higher among people of low
social position
Higher among those who report
no religious affiliation
Higher among those who report
a low level of happiness in their


Jean Sollano
Patricia Compra
Melanie Rivera
Ynaro San Juan

Caitlen Pugliese
Christine Barita


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