Yantra Jupiter

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Jupiter Yantra

The Jupiter Yantra assists you in experiencing a deeper connection with the
Divine. Place it on your Spirituality Altar in the northeast.
Mantra for Jupiter: Om Brihaspataye Namaha

If you are able to print the yantra in color, that would be ideal, although printing in
black and white will not detract from the potency of the yantras effect.
Once printed, this yantra can be cut out and placed on its corresponding altar and
can be used either to ignite the altar per the instructions in the book or used as an
extra element of powerful support. Either way, it is to be placed on the Offering
Tray in the middle of your altar.

This complimentary yantra provided by:

Vastu Creations
Seattle, WA
Tel 206-328-0122
Fax 206-328-1339

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