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2nd Grade Class Observations:

Teacher sits on chair while students sit on floor; teacher uses a lot of hand gesture to
communicate ideas
Teacher does not correct explicit mistakes (e.g.: student mentions theyre from one
culture when their parents are from two different cultures)
Compliance/Conformity of childrens behaviour
Comparing and contrasting with classmates
Difficulty taking other peoples perspective, especially in examining the Venn Diagram
of What makes you Unique?
Taking perspective of others/ comparing self with others
Kid covering face with hat (boy)
Many books and posters in the classroom
Student asking one another for help on how to use Google Docs
Just press this to go up - Teacher to Student
Student teaching another student how to spell Alien
No, do it here - Student to Student
Is this how you do it? Student to Student
Teacher showing students how to research on laptop
Student asking Do you have to create a new doc? to another student
How do you underline? Student to Student
Both ESL students were helping one another on how to use use Google Docs
Students who have finished help those who arent done
Now, you can make it much more bigger Student to Student
Student teacher other students how to type Family
Student teaching other student how to scroll down the page
Student learn how to use laptop
How do you go down? Student asking another student how to scroll down the page
How do you spell his last name? Student to Student
How do you make this coloured? Student to Student
Kindergarten Observations:
Numerous books in the classroom
Letters from the parents to the students on the wall
Pit filled with magnetic balls and papers in the middle
Airplanes hung from a wire depicting the students birthdates in order
Female students read books to one another
Female students are role-playing
Female students sit with mostly female students (but not all)
Male students draw Spiderman and Iron Man and play with blocks
Male students verbalise their actions while drawing
Bags of the female students are mostly pink (except for a blue bag)
Female students tend to be around the teachers assistants while most of the male students
arent around the the assistants
Many of the male students cannot sit still; however, a few are able to sit still

Many of the female students sit still in the classroom

Artworks of the students on the classroom walls
Students talk amongst one another
Male students rarely talk to one another while drawing

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