Rewrite A Scene

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Re-write a Scene from a Different Chracters Point of View

Scene: The first air raids

P.O.V: Rudy
It was late at night. It felt like sleep had just taken over my hungry body when I was woken. My mother
was shouting in panic. She obviously didnt think that there was enough time to wake each of us
individually. The frantic look on her face wasnt deceiving at all. Suddenly I felt a wave of nervousness
come over me. Everyone rushed for the exit. It mustve looked amusing as several children fought for the
exit. We had been sent to a basement at the Fielders house as their basement was much larger and deeper
than any other I had seen and after a few short minutes, about twenty two of us had been crammed in,
Liesel included. I could hear the sirens overhead and became nervously irritated. Isnt this great?
Shut it Saukerl, she replied. I could tell she was nervous as well.
Ah come on, Liesel, dont be like that. Whats the worst that can happen, apart from all of us being
flattened or fried, or whatever bombs do? That seemed to end our little conversation. You could see the
faces of those most scared just by looking at their near quivering bodies. Very soon Liesel was pulled away
by Rosa, her Mama who was one of the most scared, I was surprised to see someone usually so strong
willed and powerful with words to be grasping onto a teenage girl. The room quickly sorted itself into a
distressing silence and all I could hear was the sound of my own quickening heartbeat, playing in my head
like an echo.
My father, Alex, grasped the hand of my brother after shooing off the grappling children at his wifes feet.
Soon everyone had linked hands in the basement, forming a circle. I linked up with Frau Holtzapfel and
Liesel. I could feel Fraus pulse was much faster and her hand was warmer than mine. She was obviously
quite nervous, far more than Liesel who had a pulsating calm warmth about her. For a moment I thought
that I was going to die right then and there but such thoughts had to be dismissed quickly, that was not the
way to be thinking given the circumstances. We stood there silently for a few moments. All of us seemed to
be one person. One life, one pounding heart. That was when the three sirens sounded and I watched as
people breathed a sigh of relief and hugged one another. The children ran up to their parents who had tears
in their eyes. I turned to Liesel, with only one thing in my mind that I wanted to say, or rather ask. But
before I could say it Liesel looked at me with a smirk on her face.
Dont even think about it, Jesse Owens, she responded. It seemed like that name was going to stick me
with for a while.
One day Liesel, one day.
You wish Saukerl, she laughed. I knew she wanted want to kiss me. It was pretty obvious the way she
laughed it off. I dont want her to regret not kissing me when she had the chance if we were to die
tomorrow. Thats definitely not something I want to happen.
After some time, we all walked up the stairs and our sorrows and nervousness seemed to remain in the
basement behind us as we walked into the darkness of the open sky with a hint of light from the stars
twinkling down at us as if to say everythings going to be okay. For now.

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