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Ferris State University College of Education and Human Services

School of Education-Field Placement Office

Name: Michel Padilla

Academic Summary
Using your current transcripts and your check sheets, list the courses you are required to take in each content
area. *Note the status of each course, such as: grade, transfer credit (name of the institution and course it
substitutes); proficiency tests, work in progress or planning to take (note the semester you plan to register, i.e.
fall 2011, etc.). Using the FSU GPA calculator, calculate your GPA for each content area. Note: This is an
editable form. Delete the examples (i.e.) and sections that do not apply to your program). Please Type.

Remaining GEN ED(i.e. Math, English, etc):

Course Prefix
Course Title
and Number
COMM 105

Interpersonal Communication

ENGL 150
ENGL 250
ENGL 321/326

English 1
English 2
Advanced Composition

GPA: (2.84)
*Note Status
C+, GRCC Fall 97
C, GRCC Fall 97
B, GRCC Winter 99
A, Ferris, Summer 14

Elementary Minor (Math):

Course Prefix
Course Title
and Number

GPA: (3.46)
*Note Status

MTH 135

Analytical Geometry Calculus 1

MTH 317

Geometry Elementary-Middle School Teachers

MTH 318

Probability-Stats for Teachers

MTH 319
MTH 326

Math Modeling
John Backsrtom told me that I have credit for this class from
Grand Valley. MTH 345 Discrete Mathematics
Teach Elementary-Middle School Math
John Backstrom MTH 221 Math for Elementary Teachers 1
John Backstrom MTH 222 Math for Elementary Teachers 2

B+ transfer Grand
Valley fall 02
B-Transfer Grand
Valley winter 03
B- Transfer Grand
Valley Winter 01
A Ferris Fall 12
B- GVSU transfer
Winter 03
A , Ferris, Spring 13
A- GVSU Fall 1999
B+ GVSU Winter 2000

MTH 418
MTH 118
MTH 119

Elementary Minor (Science):

Course Prefix
Course Title
and Number
BIOL 103

Biological Concepts

GPA: (4.0)
*Note Status
A, GRCC Transfer,
Winter 10

PHSC 110

Inquiry Into Earth Systems

PHSC 115

Inquiry Into Physical Science

GEOL 221

History of the Earth

PC 111

Physics of Everyday Life

INBI 303
PHYS 450

Integrated Ecology
Science Laboratory

A, GRCC Transfer Fall

A, GRCC Transfer Fall
A, GRCC Transfer
Winter 12
A, GRCC Transfer
Winter 13
A, Ferris , Fall 11
A, Ferris, Spring 12

Elementary Planned Program:

Course Prefix
Course Title
and Number

GPA: (3.614)
*Note Status

Art 131

Art for Elementary Teachers(3)

MUSI 131
LITR 326
ENGL 301
LITR 380
HIST 121
HIST 122
GEOG 100
PLSC 121
ECON 221

Music for Elementary Teacher (1)

Childrens Literature (3)
Linguistics (3)
World Folklore (3)
US History to 1877 (3)
US History from 1877 (3)
Geography World Regions (3)
American Government 1 (3)
Principles of Economics 1 (3)

A-, Grand Valley

Transfer Winter 01 Art
A, Ferris Summer, 11
A, GRCC, Fall 10
B, Ferris, Summer 12
A, GRCC Fall 12
A-, GRCC, Winter 10
A-, GRCC, Fall 10
A, GRCC, Winter 11
C+, GRCC, Fall 97
A, GRCC, Winter 11

Professional Education Sequence:

Course Prefix
Course Title
and Number
EDUC 101
EDUC 251

Intro to the Profession of Teaching (1)

Life Span, Human Growth (3)

EDUC 289

Principle of Teaching and Learning (3)

EDUC 303

School, Work, and Society (3)



Instructional Planning (4)

Teaching Reading in School I (3)
Teaching Strategies Special Ed (3)
Teaching Reading in School II (3)
Methods of Teaching, Integrating, Evaluation: Language Arts
and Social Studies (3)
EDUC 432
Methods of Teaching, Integrating, Evaluation: Math and
Science (3)
Professional Education Sequence Continued:
Course Prefix
Course Title
and Number
EDUC 435

Methods of Teaching, Integrating, and Evaluation: Health

and PE (3)

GPA: (3.88)
*Note Status
A, Ferris
A, GRCC, Winter 12,
B, GVSU, Winter 03
PSY 325
A-, GVSU, Fall 99, ED
A, Ferris Fall 13
A, Ferris, Fall 13
A, Ferris, Fall 13
A, Ferris, Spring 14
A, Ferris, Spring 14
A, Ferris, Spring 14
GPA: ()
*Note Status (i.e.
grade, semester,
transfer credit
[ NMC], etc,
A, Ferris, Spring 14

EDCU 493
EDUC 499

Elementary Student Teaching

Professional Seminar


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