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Class Mnanagement Schedule

Date: 06/11/2009

Class: 8/D

Time: 40 minutes

The Beginning

1- Teacher draw the attention of the students with so many different ways. She uses her
body language and tone of voice affectively and also the eye contact between the
teacher ond students rise the attention of the students.
2- Teacher start the first activity by relating the new topic with the old ones she thought.
And she ask questions to take their attention before starting the lesson.
3- There is noone who comes the class late, so teacher doesn’t has to deal with such
4- Teacher deals with the destructions harshly, she always tries to keep the classroom
silent. If someone disturbs another friend or the teacher, she warns him immediately.


1- The teacher knows names of each students in the classroom.

2- The whole instructions the teacher gives during the lesson are so clear for students t
3- The teacher always look at her students when she speaks to/with them. She is very
considerate to her students and their opinions.


1- The teacher never turns her back on her class.

2- The teacher doesn’t sit at the table during the lessons, she always walk aruound to take
attention of the each student.
3- Transitions between the activities are organized ver well by the teacher, there has been
no problem while transiting between activities.
4- The teacher wants to all students to join the lesson so she always tries to get feedback
frequently by asking questions.
5- The teacher spreads her questions round the class but onyl few students are eager to
answer them.
6- The teacher is so good at praising and encouraging her students.
7- The teacher always tries to be clear and understandable. She gives so many different
explanations when necessary.

If A Problem Arises

1- The teacher acts immediately and removes the problem.

2- The teacher sometimes doesn’t avoid confrontation with students and this is her
achille’s heel.
3- The teacher sometimes focus on the person but generallt it can be said that she focus
on the act.
4- The teacher clarifies and always insits on her standards. She never lose her standards
during the lesson.
5- There is no real punishment in class but teacher generally scolds her students when

End Of Lesson

1- The teacher has already packed up the lesson before the lesson end is signalled.
2- The teacher never takes round before dismissing class to make sure that room is tidy.
3- The class is quiet before dismissal and they leaves the classroom orderly.

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