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John Hollands Six Personality Types for Career Interests

1. REALISTIC- Enjoys working with machinery, animals and/or tools,

good with practical things you can see or touch
Occupations- pilot, electrician, truck driver, locksmith
2. INVESTIGATIVE- Scientific, enjoys solving math problems
Occupations- chemist, biologist, dentist, physician
3. ARTISTIC- Enjoys creative activities in the fields of dance, art,
music, and creative writing
Occupations- dancer, graphic designer, musician, book editor
4. SOCIAL- Enjoys helping others and solving social problems
Occupations- teacher, counselor, social worker, parole officer
5. ENTERPRISING- Persuasive, enjoys leading people and selling
things or ideas
Occupations- salesperson, travel agent, judge, school principal
6. CONVENTIONAL- Enjoys working with numbers and written
records organized in an orderly fashion
Occupations- secretary, bookkeeper, post office clerk, bank teller
Information derived from
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