MA20107 Matrix Algebra

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Department: EC, EE and others. MA20107 Matrix Algebra Autumn Mid Semester Examination, 2011 No. of Students: Full Marks: 30, Time: 2 Hrs. INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions. Each question carries equal marks. 1. (a) (b) 2 (a) (b) 3. (a) (b) Let T: R? —+ R® be a mapping defined by T(x, y,2) = (2+ 2y + 32,30 4+ 2y + z,0+y +2), V(2,y, 2) € B®. Examine whether T'is a linear mapping. If 7'is linear, find the null space Ker(T) Find conditions on a,b and ¢ so that (a,b,c) € R° belongs to the space spanned by u= (2, 1,0), v= (1,-1,2} and w = (0,3, -4) (342 = 5 marks) Let V be the vector space of ordered pairs of complex numbers over the real field R. Find a basis and the dimension of V. Determine whether tan“! A is well-defined for the matrix A = G 2): (3+2 = 5 marks) If U and V are two vector spaces over the field F and T is a linear transfor mation from U into V, then show that the range of T, denoted by R(T) is a subspace of V. Prove that the intersection of any two subspaces of a vector space V(F) is also a subspace of V(F). Is it true for the union of two subspaces? Give details for your answer. © (243 marks) P.T.0 135 (a) Find the matrix of the linear transformation T on R® defined as T (a,b,c) = (2b + c,a ~ 4b, 3a) V{a, b,c) € RB’, with respect to the ordered basis B, where B = {(1,1, 1),(1,1,0), (1,0,0)} (b) Prove that each eigen value of a real orthogonal matrix has mit modulus (2+3 = 5 marks) Find an orthogonal matrix P such that P-1AP is a diagonal matrix, where (5 marks) (a) Find the algebraic and the geometric multiplicities of each eigen value of the 1-1 0 matrix A= {1 2 -1 Bo (b) Let T be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space V. Then show that 0 is an eigen value of T if and only if T is not invertible. (342 = 5 marks) Sep prbepeenebeorenea

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