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Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

Library Digitization Project Plan

Project Title: Min Wangs Academic Diplomas and Certificates
Target Start Date: September 9, 2014
Target Completion Date: December 9, 2014

Project Overview:

1. Project Description
An Academic degree is a college or university diploma, often associated with a title and
sometimes associated with an academic position, which is normally awarded in recognition of
the recipient having satisfactorily completed a prescribed course of study or having conducted a
scholarly endeavor deemed worthy of his or her admission to the degree. The library wants to
develop a collection of Asian diplomas and certificates to illustrate the cultural differences in the
presentation of academic achievements. To illustrate the difference between the two cultures, I
will be digitizing 25 samples of the Asian diplomas and certificates from my personal collection
according to standards defined in the California Digital Library documentation. These diplomas
and certificates are capstones along with my life. They are available on the web through, which provides access
for my future employers as well as provides good means to preserve my significant documents.

2. Project Team

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

From project plan, selection, scanning, to metadata creation the whole process, it will be
conducted by Min Wang.

Project Lead: Min Wang

Scanning Technician: Min Wang

Metadata Specialist: Min Wang

3. Connection to the digital program plan

This project is meant as an example of a project that could be implemented by any public library.
For instructional purposes alone we have chosen Santa Rosa County Public Library to be the
library for the project described.

Project Objectives:

1. Program Goals

Digitize academic diplomas and certificates and make them available through the
librarys digital content management system by the end of this semester.

To provide metadata records to make these digital objects visible and available at the
item level.

The preservation of the master digital images with sustainability factors in mind.

2. Scope
This project will involve a combination of 25 scanned diplomas and certifications, creation of
metadata for each digitized object to enabling the objects to be visible and accessible through the

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

librarys digital content management system, the identification of each digital object, and the
issuing institution. I do not anticipate any difficulties obtaining the necessary diplomas and
certificates samples.

3. Deliverables

25 archival TIFF images

25 access images in jpeg file format (unedited)

25 thumbnail images in jpeg format

Project documentation that includes procedures followed for post-processing of jpeg


Measurable Success Indicators

1. Funding




Librarys Epson V600 scanner purchased in


2012 will be used for the project

Server Expense for
archival masters


Using CONTENTdm digital asset

management software and Califa for hosting
the content. That cost will be $1,000 for the
first year.

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan


$45 per hr. x 2

Special Collections


LIB 121

See Workflow below


$20 per hr.

Library Aide



$45 per hr. x 3

Cataloging Librarian


Archival sleeves for


See Workflow below

See Workflow below

Digital Asset

No additional charge Software is included in the server expense



Using Photoshop to create the derivative

documents. Cost that license out at $300.
This equipment will be used for other

Total Proposed Cost


Approximately $71.4 per document

Contingent upon project must being

Proposed Resources
Personal collection

completed by December 7, 2014

Min Wang

Library Budget for

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121


digital projects
Total Costs


For total costs which would be $1785.00

minus $200.00 equals $1585.00

2. Standards

The archival documents will be scanned according to standards developed by the national
library. I am scanning 25 color prints. Documents will be scanned at 24 bit color.

Based on current standards, for my master files, I will scan these 5x7 documents in 24bit color with spatial dimensions of 4,000 pixels on the long side or 600 dpi. TIFF will be
the file format Ill use.

Access versions of each image using 24-bit color and 600 pixels across the long
dimension will be generated for each master image.

A sample of jpeg images will be reviewed by the scanning technician and the special
collections librarian to determine resolution.

Thumbnail images will be sized to 150 kb. Thumbnail versions will be created by

Dublin Core Metadata schema will be used for this collection; the style guide is included
as Appendix A.

File names will be seventeen characters long using the format aaannnnn.ext. Alpha
characters are Mincertificate, e.g., Mincertificate001.tif, Mincertificate002.tif.

3. Benefits

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

Access These documents are available on the web through, which
provides access for my future employers as well as provides good means to preserve my
significant documents.

Richer end-user experience Preserve the original documents, enrich users experience by
enhancing ACCESS or DERIVATIVE copies.

Out-of-source of physical documents Preserve in Virtual library, It will prevent the

disadvantages from the possibly loss of the physical document in many years.

4. Constraints
This project must be completed by the end of the semester. The limited scanner and the limited
time during four of class hours will constrain the project.

5. Workflow/Timeline
Sept. 9 through Sept. 30

Cataloging librarian will analyze the contributed metadata

spreadsheet and revise as needed

Sept. 9 through Sept. 16

Documents will be pulled from the collection and

identifiers assigned and lightly penciled on the reverse side

Sept. 17 through Sept. 30

Scanning technician will set benchmarks for the collection


Min Wang

Oct. 15 through Oct. 30

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

Team will review document proposals, metadata, and

workflow and adjust as necessary

Nov. 1 through Nov. 15


Nov. 16 through Nov. 26

Quality review conducted by scanning technician and

Special Collections Librarian: To preview and scan a single
item took around 5 minutes. It took around 2 hours to
preview and scan 25 items total.

Nov. 27 through Dec. 2

Cataloging Librarian imports metadata and documents into

CONTENTdm: On average, it took around 7 minutes to
create a metadata record. It took around 3 hours to create
25 items metadata records total.

Dec. 2 through Dec. 5

Collection is reviewed and approved by Special Collections


Dec. 6 through Dec. 7

Announcement of the collection to virtual and local


Dec. 8 through Dec. 9

Notification to Document Owner of completed project.

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

6. Scanning Workflow
To preview and scan a single item took around 5 minutes. It took around 2 hours to preview and
scan 25 items total. It costs about $130. For special collection librarian: $45 per hr. x 2 hrs.
=$90; for Library Aids: $20 per hr. x2hrs. =$40


Create a network directory to hold master and derivative files (I did this on my

Sort originals according to size and type. For example, 10 x 8 (landscape) photographs
should be separated out and scanned on an oversized scanner so that rotation in
Photoshop is not necessary.

Calibrate the scanner and monitor (although I couldnt calibrate the machines, this would
be standard protocol )

Clean scanner glass


Place item on scanner glass as indicated on scanner and checking to make sure the
orientation is correct and straight.

Preview and establish the correct PPI so that the spatial resolution is 4,000 pixels on the
long side and 24 bit color, unsharpen mask set at low

Scan saving the image as a full resolution TIFF

Review the image at 100% looking for:

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

any signs of dust or debris on the scanner bed or original material

Overall image qualitycolor, contrast, focus, Moire patterns.

LIB 121

For the master image I am looking for a good reproduction or the

original image. It is not the intention when generating the master
image to correct things like color UNLESS the scanner is not
creating a quality scan. And, this cannot be determined unless the
monitor has been calibrated.


Open the image in Photoshop and creative derivative file in JPEG format. Save to the
derivative folder.


Cataloging Librarian imports metadata and documents into CONTENTdm: On average, it

took around 7 minutes to create a metadata record. It took around 3 hours to create 25
items metadata records total. It costs about $135. For cataloging Librarian: $45 per hr. x 3
hrs. =$135.

7. List of Metadata elements used


Field name



The title should describe the item in basic terms; it should not
be exhaustive. E.g. MWWangDAM

Min Wang

Digital Project Plan


LIB 121

Separate terms by semi-colon (;) and a space E.g. Diplomas ;

Academic certificates ; Teacher badges


Enter description in complete sentences. Do not include the

date of creation as it should be in the title or description field.
E.g. This is the cover of Mins AA degree certificate.



If available: reverse order (function). E.g. Wang, Min

Enter this text: Pasadena City College Digitization
Technology Certificate Program


If not available: leave blank.


Enter date as YYYY, MM-YYYY, or MM-DD-YYYY. E.g.



Enter four letter file type, e.g. jpeg


CONTENTdm automatically generates image in the field.



This is the same as my file name but does not include the file
extension. For example: Mincertificate001 is the Identifier and
Mincertificate001.jpg is the file name.



From Mins personal collection



Use ISO 639-2: Codes for the representation of names of

languages, Alpha-3 code. For example, chi (Chinese).



If not available: leave blank.



Coverage is the date or place the certificate issued.



Protected under copyright law. All rights reserved.





Min Wang


Digital Project Plan


LIB 121

Instructor has provided us with the text for this: This image is
part of a digital collection that was created as a final project
for students enrolled in Pasadena City Colleges LIB 121 class.
Students were instructed to secure permission from the
copyright owner of the original material and most were
successful. However, in some cases, students did not know who
created the material and/or could not locate the photographer.
Should the viewer believe that there is a copyright issue fora
particular digital object, please contact Pasadena City
Colleges Librarys Digitization program at


File size

File size is its extent.


File name

File names is seventeen characters long using the format

aaannnnn.ext. Alpha characters are Mincertificate, e.g.,

Project Stakeholders and Roles

1. (R)Responsible: Min Wang will be responsible for carrying out digitizing the Academic
Diplomas and Certificates project.
2. (A)Accountable: Min Wang will be the person who is counted on to make sure the task
gets done correctly and on time.


Min Wang

Digital Project Plan

LIB 121

3. (C)Consult: Lisa Fischelis is the tutor who needs to be consulted before the project plan
is made.
4. (I)Informed: Project stakeholders who need to be informed of what's being done.

Communications and Reporting Plan

On Nov. 15, I will make an appointment to meet with my instructor Linda Stewart to review and
approve my project. On Dec. 2, in terms of the project status, I will report on how things were
going on their portion of the project.

Marketing and Promotion Plan

I am going to share my new collection with future possible employers. I will have a blog or a
web holding my Academic Diplomas and Certificates I will use MWWangDAM as the title
and then I will embed the link to part of my ePortfolio, COMPENDIUM OF MY WORK, It is under one of the categories DAM (Digital Asset


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