Elementary Balance Lesson 2

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Balance: 1st Grade

Joshua P. Barnhart

To provide students with a foundation of balance and stability while performing a variety of
activities which promote lifelong physical fitness through enhancing students ability to maintain
their center of balance.

Students will visible display the ability to maintain control over their body and center of balance
while performing various balancing poses and balance while engaging in various movement


Fifth Grade
Students will be able to combine balance and transferring weight in a gymnastics
sequence or dance with a partner. (S1.E7.5)
Fourth Grade
Students will be able to transfer weight from feet to hands varying speed and using large
extensions. (S1.E8.4)
Third Grade
Students will be able to balance on different bases of support and move into and out of
gymnastics balances with curling, twisting, and stretching actions. (S1.E7.3) (S1.E10.3)
Second Grade
Students will be able to balance in an inverted position with stillness and supportive base
and rolls in different directions with either a narrow or curled body shape. (S1.E7.2b)
First Grade
Students will be able to maintain stillness on different bases of support with different
body shapes. (S1.E7.1)
Students will be able to form wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes. (S1.E7.Kb)

Joshua P. Barnhart

Fall, 2014

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Lesson One: Students will be able to maintain balance in three different poses with 80%
proficiency for two seconds.
Lesson Two: Students will be able to maintain balance while performing four poses with 90%
proficiency for three full seconds.
Lesson Three: Students will be able to maintain balance in six different poses with 100%
proficiency for a duration of approximately five seconds.



Students will be able to maintain stillness for 5 seconds
while standing on one or both feet without stepping
forward, backward, or sideways, and displaying
multiple body shapes during a game of Simon Says.

Fundamental Form

Student Displays:
Foot/feet flat on the floor
Maintains balance at different body shapes with
100% accuracy, Body is still
Holds form for at least 5 seconds

Intermediate Form

Student Displays:
Feet flat on the floor, heel may lift at times
Maintains balance at different body shapes with
70% - 85% accuracy, Body sways slightly
Holds form for 3-5 seconds

Partial Form

Student Displays:
Feet begin flat on the floor, heel may lift, student
may need to hop or step to maintain body shape
Maintains balance of various body shapes with only
60% - 70% accuracy, Body shakes/sways
Holds form for 1-3 seconds

Foundational Form

Student Displays:
Student begins with feet flat on the floor,
Must step or hop to remain with desired body shape
Maintains balance of various body shapes with less
than 60% accuracy
Cannot maintain form for more than 1 second.

Joshua P. Barnhart

Fall, 2014

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Lesson Two: Maintaining various Balance Positions
Materials Needed:
Balance Beams (If Available)
Instructional Objectives:
1. Students will be able to maintain stillness on different bases of support with different
body shapes. (S1.E7.1)
2. Students will be able to maintain balance while engaging in a variety of movement
patterns such as walking forward and backward on a balance beam.
Cues/Key Words:
Time Frame: Approx. 30 min.
Warm-up Activity: (3-5 minutes)
The Floor is Lava
Assorted poly spots will be placed on the floor with a start and a finish. Students will be asked to
jump or hop from spot to spot. They must avoid the floor because it is hot lava.
Instructional Outline:

(26 minutes)

Anticipatory Set:
(2 minutes)
Ask students for what activities they know of that require balance and body control. Show
images of famous athletes, dancers, and Olympic athletes that use yoga or have a history of yoga
or gymnastics in order to maintain their fitness. Ask students if they could be in those positions
one day? What would the students want to be when they grow up? And you can help them reach
those goals by improving their balance and body awareness. Explain to students that by the end
of the class period they will individually be able to maintain balance in a variety of poses and
begin to focus on balance while engaging in movement.
1. Practice Activity:
(5 minutes)
Tape Shapes
There will be tape lines: One in a straight line, one in a circle, one in a square. The students will
be asked to walk the shape of each rope without stepping off.
Joshua P. Barnhart

Fall, 2014

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2. Practice Activity:
(5 minutes)
Balance Beam
Students will be asked to walk the balance beam on toes, forward, and backward. If needed a
tape line can be used to substitute for a balance beam.
3. Practice Activity:
(5 minutes)
Count to 10 #1
Students will see if they can count to 10 while standing on their right foot, left foot, knees, toes,
and rear-end.
4. Practice Activity:
(5 minutes)
Count to 10 #2
Students will see if they can count to 10 while balancing on two hands and two feet with stomach
facing down, two hands and two feet with stomach facing up, one hand and two feet with
stomach facing the floor, and one hand and two feet with stomach facing up.
5. Application: (3 minutes)
Culminating Activity:
Students will participate in several rounds of Simon Says. During the game the instructor will
have students repeat actions that were seen in the stations/activities such as balancing for certain
counts and jumping or hopping in certain directions. This will give the instructor the opportunity
to observe the students completing the actions learned during the day, providing an opportunity
for formative assessment.
6. Closure:
(1 minutes)
Provide feedback and give students an idea of what will take place in next classes lesson.


Joshua P. Barnhart

Fall, 2014

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