Rhetoricalanaylsis Final

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Zachary Lincoln
English 100 - 15
October 30 2014
John F. Kennedy: Alien Hunter.
The image is one of great importance, portraying a hero amongst many Americans whom
are infatuated with science and technology; John F. Kennedy. On top of such a thing, it portrays
him in a seemingly unrelated place and time, and is quite confusing to view him on the surface of
the moon. This image reveals an underlying statement that many Americans do not feel strongly
about. John F. Kennedy was not assassinated, instead his death was faked and he traveled to the
moon to fight off an alien race where he became known to few as The Alien Hunter.
The first thing I noticed when looking at this image is the person whom the main focal
point is on; John F. Kennedy. It is noticeably him, because of the defining features that I have
seen in many photographs and portraits, as well as the cigar in his mouth, of which he was well
known to have smoked. I believe that the main, eye-catching, element of this image is that of the
situation in which John finds himself in, because even though the focal point is John himself, the
details around him are what provide the message to the viewer. Without the surroundings, the
image would lose its value. It is a thought provoking image, at least to me, because of the
qualities that it has to support it. The main thought that runs through my head is, why would
someone depict a president in such a manner? These seemingly unrelated things do not seem to
have any addition to a historically important person.
This image, titled John F. Kennedy: Alien Hunter, was published on February 13th, 2012,
and was produced in a span of many weeks prior to that time. It was created by Jason Heuser, an

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American artist who specializes in Presidential portraits. While writing on the image, he
comments that it was influenced by the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November twentysecond, 1963. There is are many accounts that this assassination may have been a cover-up for
something else. Hueser took this idea to a new level, and creatively put a solution out to appease
the masses. This solution is that indeed it was a cover-up, but it was only so that John could go to
the moon himself, and fight off an alien race. Because of this sacrifice, the human race is then
saved and still unknowing of what lies beyond.
A large portion of the image relies on its composition. Many messages can be found
hidden within the colors and scenes. One of the underlying focuses of the image is the pale-blue
image of the earth. While it is not noticed easily, it is a recreation of the first moon-landing for
humans, something that John pushed immensely for during his time as POTUS. Perhaps it was
his dream to go to the moon, or to see someone go to the moon, and so this piece of the image is
highly important in providing prospective. Another focal point is the robotic-space-unicorn that
John appears riding. There are many things that this could point to, however, I come to the
assumption that it represents the changing of technology of the time in which John lived. Prior to
that time, technological innovation was limited and did not focus on sciences and such alike
things. During Johns times, science evolved quickly and offered a lot more in the way of
incentives towards individuals in the engineering field. During this time, the career outlook for
engineers spiked. The robotic unicorn represents the shift of innovation amongst Americans, and
subsequently, the world during that time.
The argument seen in this image is that John F. Kennedys assassination was a coverup,
and instead of him passing away he simply traveled to the moon where he fought an alien race to
make the moon safe for earth, and prevent any future satellite attacks. There is a lot of power in

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this idea, because it suggests that Americans have been fooled into thinking that there was truly
an assassination of a President, instead of the obvious evidence that points to a much greater plot
to have mankind.
Upon looking at this image, I initially thought that it was quite a funny image, without a
ton of meaning into it. I believed that it was designed to get a laugh out of people that saw it, and
not to provide any logical explanation into the history of a famous President. My analysis of this
image proved to be largely false, and it does have a logical reason behind it. It provides us with
means to understand, in a different way, how secretive our world could be. However, it does
reinforce that many Americans do not come to the conclusion that John F. Kennedy was indeed,
not assassinated, but instead ventured to the moon to kill aliens and become: The Alien Hunter.

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Heuser, Jason. John F. Kennedy: Alien Hunter. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

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