War Journal Project

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Premise: For this project you will assume the role of an American soldier living in the trenches

of World War I. You will write seven (7) diary entries detailing your life on the battlefield. You
will be assigned a battle in which American participation helped turn the tide of battle.
Journal entries MUST be written in the FIRST PERSON (I, me, my, mine, we).
The entries must be typed, 1.5 inch spacing, sized 12 Times New Roman, with 1 inch
margins all around. The entries must be at least half a page in length, but no more than
1. I will discard any extra pages.
Entries MUST use the following format:
Day 1: Describe the causes of the war. How did it start in Europe? Why did America
get involved? Do you approve of American intervention?
Day 2: Describe Trench Warfare: Was life like in the trenches? What were the
Day 3: Describe the weapons (machine gun, gas, planes, tanks). What did they do?
How did they function?
Day 4: Describe a battle. What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen?
Day 5: Talk about an American war hero and his accomplishments. Choose ONE
from the three options: Eddie Rickenbacker, John J. Pershing, Alvin Yorke.
Day 6: You received a letter from a family member at home. In the letter they
described in detail how the War impacted home life. Re-tell those details on this day.
Day 7: You have survived the War, now I want you to describe the aftermath. Do you
approve of Wilsons 14 Point Peace Plan? Do you approve of the Treaty of
Versailles? Is this a happy ending, or a bad ending to the War? Foreshadow possible
future consequences of the Treaty (foreshadow from a 1918 perspective: DO NOT
I want a picture to represent each day. It can be a photograph or a political cartoon. YOU
NO COVER PAGE NECESSARY. You do NOT have to cite where you got your
pictures from.
No Wikipedia, please! The internet is full of juicy sources!
Speaking of sources, please cite them using MLA format. No in-text citation needed, just
a bibliography page at the end! http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/

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