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Contractions Lesson Plan

Students will make contractions.
Students will match contractions to the two words they are made of.
Common Core Standards:
Language Standards K5
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Contraction penguins
Smart board

Contraction anchor chart

Anticipatory Set:
Read a sentence without any contractions, but words that can be contractions, and have students change
the words into contractions.
Teacher will show contraction anchor chart, and review what happens when you make a contraction.
The class will discus if all words can be made into contractions.
Teacher will write two words on the board, and call on a student to make it into a contraction.
Student will then be called on the read the contraction.
Teacher will write a contraction on the board, and call on a student to make it into two words.
The class will continue practicing making contractions and changing contractions back into two words
until the students seem comfortable. (students will come up to the board and write the contraction or
two words)
Instructions for the activity will be given and shown; you will match the word cards to the contractions
Students will be split into partners or two
Materials will be handed out.
Students will sort word cards, matching contractions with the two individual words they are made up
Students will write and read the contractions on the cards.
Once students have matched their cards they will self check, on the back of the cards will be small
numbers that shows if the cards go together.
Students will turn to their partner and explain what happens when you make a contraction.
Informal- students will be observed based on participation, and contraction cards checked after
Differentiated Instruction:
Grouping of students
Whole group and partner work
Visual anchor chart
Hands on, writing, and auditory reinforcement
Self Check

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