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Lesson 8. CH 1. Hackers Practice 4 (p.43) / CH 3. Hackers Practice 4 (p.


P.92 Sample Answer

1. According to the reading, / all political science students / will be required to take
public speaking course.
2. The man does not think it is a good idea / for two reasons.
3. First, he says that / many political science students / dont need to take the class. /
This is because / they always practice public speaking / in class discussions and
debate club activities.
4. Second, he mentions that / its better to take more useful courses. / There are
many other courses / that will be useful / after students graduate. / Students
wouldnt like to / miss out on one of them / in order to take the public speaking
5. For these reasons, / he thinks that the university should not require / all political
science students / to take public speaking course.
P.43 Sample Answer
Q: Should the university cafeteria change its menu to include healthy, low-calorie
dishes? What is your opinion and why?
I think / the university cafeteria should change its menu / to include healthy, lowcalorie dishes.
First, / it helps students save so much money. / This is because / they dont have to
eat at a restaurant / to get healthy food. / This is very important because / students
have tight budget.
Second, / it helps save so much time. / If students can easily get healthy food on
campus, / they dont have to spend a lot of time / eating off campus.
For these reasons, / I think the university cafeteria should change its menu / to
include healthy, low-calorie dishes.


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