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Lesson 26. CH 2. Hackers Practice 2 (p.63) / CH 5. Hackers Practice 2 (p.

P.141 Sample Answer
The womans problem is that / she doesnt know how to get to school / until she
can get her car back.
The man and the woman discuss two possible solutions to the womans problem.
The first suggestion is / to ask her friend for rides. / The second suggestion is / to
take the bus.
I think the first suggestion is better for her.
This is because / if she asks her friend, / she would probably understand her
situation. / I believe that / friends are always willing to help each other / when they
have a problem like this. / Also, it will be difficult for her / to take the bus / because
the bus stop is 20 minutes away on foot. / She doesnt want to walk 40 minutes
every day.
For these reasons, I think / asking her friend for rides / is a good idea.
P.63 Sample Answer
Q: State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain
your reasons using specific details in your explanation. The government should
preserve old buildings instead of destroying them and building new ones.
I agree with the idea / that the government should preserve old buildings / instead
of destroying them / and building new ones.
First, / building new buildings is expensive. / Preserving old buildings / will help save
so much money. / This is very important because / the government has tight budget.
Second, / if we preserve old buildings, / we can have so much fun. / Visiting old
buildings / is never boring.
For these reasons, / I agree with the idea that / the government should preserve old
buildings / instead of destroying them / and building new ones.


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