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What is your favorite subject in school?


What extracurricular activities are you involved in?


What is one thing you remember learning in math last year?


Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?


What is one interesting fact you would like me to know about



Where do you see yourself in ten years?


What is one adjective you would say describes you?


Who is your hero in life?


Who do you live with at home? Do they ever help you with

Comment [k1]: INTASC 7: Planning- This would

be completed the first day in class to see what the
students already know from last year to see how I
should plan for the upcoming year. If some of the
students didnt learn the material they need to
know, then I would need to review certain topics in
the beginning of the year.
Comment [k2]: INTASC 3: Diverse Learners- This
question would help me get a feel for which
students work better alone and which students
work better in groups. I can plan my activities
around whether they like to work alone or in

Comment [k3]: INTASC 10: School and

Community Involvement- This questions helps me
as the teacher see who they are living with at home
and also if any of those people are willing to help
them. This gives me a sense of the students
background and their life outside of school.

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