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Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2014 adapted for EDUC1070

Teacher Candidate: Christian Wilke

Subject: Algebra
Central Focus: (Content of the lesson) Mean, median, and mode
Grade Level(s): 7th-9th

Date: 10-16-14
Course for which the Lesson is developed: EDUC 1070
Classroom Teacher: Dulany
Time allotted: 50 minutes

Standard(s)/Benchmark(s) to be met in the Lesson: (ILS,

Common Core, or Professional Learning Standards) Each
standard should correspond to one or more objective.

Learning Objective(s):
What are the students expected to know and/or do in the lesson?
Write out each specific objective to be met by students in the lesson.

Giving quantitative measures of center (median
and/or mean)

Students will be able to use the data given to find mean, median, and mode of a data set and
recognize how they represent the data set.

(Identify the type(s) of assessment used in this lesson. Explain how it provides evidence that students will meet the objective(s). At least one type of assessment is
required in a lesson plan.)
Diagnostic (Pre-): (Formal or Informal) This
is where the students will submit some information so that we will have data that will actually pertain to them and will that will make it more meaningful for
Formative: (Formal or Informal)
Reflective: (Formal or Informal) As an exit slip or possibly just as a class discussion we will go over the definitions of mean, median, and mode.
Summative: (Formal or Informal) Students will be given a homework assignment from the book.

List the Academic Language used in the Lesson.

Include vocabulary, process terms, and syntax


Academic Language
Explain how the Academic Language is
scaffolded in the Lesson using Sensory, Graphic
and/or Interactive supports.
We will begin the lesson by collecting data to use
for the data set. I will try to get them to use any
prior knowledge to see if they might know what
mean or median is. We will continually use these
words throughout the lesson.

Describe the Evidence that Students

know and use Academic Language
Students will have a homework
assignment using these words. Also
there will be a review of the definitions
at the end of class.

Implemented August 2013

Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate
in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2014 adapted for EDUC1070

Procedures: List in sequence the actions taken by teacher and students throughout the lesson.
A. Engage Students: (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment must be included here.) Students will start class by filling
out this questionnaire. This will get them to start thinking about their family, pets and other things.
B. Communicate the Purpose of the Lesson to Students (Objectives and Assessment stated for students to understand):
The purpose of this lesson is to get the students to understand how to use mean, median, and mode to interpret a data set.
C. Instructional Sequence: (include technology this is a technology class)
1. This is the
spread sheet, that will be up on the screen, with all the information from the class. I will use this so that we have some different data sets to use for
finding mean, median, and mode.
I will try to get them to think of other ways they have heard the words and see if that maybe can give them a clue as to what each word means mathematically.
Then I will begin by writing out the data that is show up on the screen through the Google spread sheet , I will do the first
one and have them pay attention and take notes. We will do mean, median, and mode. Then the second time through I will guide them through it, but they will do
most of the work. We will do it this way again but I will do less of the work. Then finally on the last data set they will do all the work as a class.

D. Explain:
Students will be able to find mean, median, and mode and recognize how they represent the entire data set.
E. Extend/Expand/Elaborate
F. Monitoring Student Engagement and Learning: (What will the teacher do to ensure student engagement?)
I will monitor students by calling on random students and making sure to check that every student is taking notes. At the end of class the students will
have to give me a definition of each of the words before we leave.
G. Student Interactions: (How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming
There is no group work in this lesson.
H. Closure: Explain how the purpose of the Lesson is clearly restated by students & Evaluate (Objectives and Assessment include your
summative assessment here)
Students will be given a homework assignment from the book, but they will also either have an exit slip or a discussion, depending on how the class goes,
on the three words before they leave class.
Lesson Plan Details
Instructional Materials:
Projector, iPads/ some device that they can fill out the questionnaire on
Implemented August 2013
Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate
in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

Concordia University Chicago College of Education

Lesson Plan Design 2014 adapted for EDUC1070

Use of Technology:
Google forms is used as a questionnaire to obtain the numbers used for the data sets. Google spreadsheet is used to put that information all in one document that I
can put on the board so that the class can see the it.
Safety in the Physical Environment:

Implemented August 2013

Adapted from Layzell, D., (2013). Lesson Plan Model. Illinois State University; Leland Stanford Junior University (2012) ed-Teacher Performance Assessment; Tomlinson, C. (2004) How to differentiate
in mixed ability classrooms; Worldclass Instructional Design and Assessment (2012) WIDA 2012 Amplified ELD Standards.

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