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Immersion I Guided Reading Lesson Plan Format

Name: Kaitlyn Bending

Grade Level: 1st Grade
Reading Level: Level 9
Lesson Duration: 20 minutes
What skills are these students working on?
These students are working on finding digraphs in words, they are learning about the consonant
digraphs; th and sh, and practicing identifying and sounding out these sounds, as well as finding new
words that have these consonant digraphs in them.
What stage are they at in terms of reading and writing?
This student is in the middle letter name alphabetic stage

1. Objective(s):
At the end of the lesson, students will read the book Father Bear goes fishing while pointing out the
consonant digraphs th and sh in the text.

2. Colorado Academic Standards:

Content area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Standard: 2. Reading for All Purposes
Concepts and skills students master:
3. Decoding words require the application of alphabetic principles, letter sounds, and letter
Evidence Outcomes
Students can:
a. Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words (CCSS: RF.1.3)
i. Know the spelling sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs (two letters represent one
sound). (CCSS.RF.1.3.a)

3. Learning Target(s):
I can read Father bear goes fishing and find words that have sh and th in it.

4. Assessment:
Formative Assessment:

I will have each student say a word with the digraph sh in it.
I will go around the table and have each student say the th and the sh sounds to see
if they are pronouncing these sounds correctly.
I will say put your hands on your head if you know what to do with the letter cards.
I will check students spelling of words with the letter cards, making sure that they are using the
digraphs, and hearing the different sounds in the word that I give to them.
I will check to see if the students can all find a word that has a digraph in it, either th or sh.
The students will have to find the word and point it out in the book.
As students are leaving the table I will have the students say the th and sh sound one more
time each, and think of another word that has one of these two letters in it.

5. Materials:
Three Father Bear goes Fishing books
Letter cards

7. Book Introduction and Word Work: (1 minute)

I will start off by having a sentence written out for the students. The sentence will state Father
bear goes fishing. I will ask the students Do you know what this sentence says? This sentence
says Father bear goes fishing.I will point to each word in the sentence.How many words are
in this sentence? What are the gaps between these words called? These gaps are called spaces.
I will say The book that we are going to be reading today is called Father bear goes fishing.
I will say, You all know so much about reading and different strategies that we can use while
we are reading. I am going to teach you a new strategy today that we are going to use.
I will start by saying You all know so much already about words but today we are going to be
looking at something new. We are going to be looking at digraphs; these are two letters that
make one sound. Im going to show you one first, and see if you can tell me what sound this
makes. I will write on the board sh then show it to the students; I will ask the students What
sound do these two letters make? It makes the sound sh. When you are trying to quiet someone
down, and you say sh, these are the two letters that make this sound s and h. Can
everyone say this with me? Say sh Do you see how our lips go out when we say this word. Lets
say it again I will then show them a word that has sh in it. I will write fish on the board. I
will say Does anyone know what this word is? I will see if anyone calls out the word, then I will
say this word is fish. The sh sound is at the end of the word. Lets say that word together.
Do you see how my lips moved outwards when I said fish? Can you guys think of any other
words with the sh sound in it? I will go around the table, and have each student think of a
word with the sh sound in it (Checking for understanding of the content)
I will say We just learned the sh sound; now I am going to show you a different letter
combination that also makes one sound. I will write th on the board. I will show it to
students, What sound do you think these two letters make? If the students do not know I will
say it makes the sound th. Can everyone say this with me? Say th. Do you guys notice that
most of the sound is coming from your tongue? Its almost like our tongues are making the
sound. Our tongue goes in between our teeth. Lets say it again together th. I am going to
show you a word with the th sound in it. I will write father on the board. I will show it to
the students, does anyone know what this word is? This word is father. Where is the th in the
word? Lets say this word again together father. Do you see how my tongue went between my
teeth when I said father? Can you think of any other words you have seen that have the th
sound in it? I will call on two students to give me a word that has the th sound in it.
I will go around the table, and have th written on my board. I will have each student say this
sound. After this I will write sh on my board. I will have each student say this sound
individually (Checking for understanding of the content)
MODELING (1 minute)
I will hand out letter cards to each of the students. Each student will have the letter i, sh, w, d,

th, e, m, o, r, b, n. With these letter cards the students will be spelling out different words that
have the th and sh sounds in them.
I will say with these letter cards we are going to be spelling out different words. I will give an
example to the students If I told you to spell shin then I would grab from my letter cards the
letters that I think are in this word. I will set out the word shin, and sound it out, pointing with
my finger on each card, and then blending the word together.
I will say put your hand on your head if you know what to do with the letter cards. (Checking
for understanding of the process)
Now I want you to try. I am going to make these words challenging. I know each one of you can
work through the letter sounds, and figure them out. Remember when we were saying th and
sh how our mouths made a different shape. Think about that when I ask you to spell different
words; use this as a strategy to help you sound out the words.
I will give the students the first word wish. I will say think about the sounds that are in wish.
What is the beginning sound? What is the middle sound? What is the end sound? I will check
for students understanding of spelling the word during this process, and see if they are using
digraphs in each word (Checking for understanding of the content). I will have the students
point to each letter card and say the sound, then have them blend together the word, we will
repeat this twice.
For the next word I will say Now replace the w with a d. What word do we have now? Lets
sound this word out together.
Now lets replace the d with an f. What word do we have now? I will also ask students if
there are any other words they can think of that have the sh sound in it.
I will complete this same process with the digraph th I will use the words father, mother,
brother. These words may be tricky for students but we will practice sounding each letter out. I
will guide the students through each word asking those questions, and making sure they
understand the th and sh sounds in all of the words.
I will say We just learned a lot about the th and the sh sound in words. The book that we
are going to be reading today is called Father Bear goes fishing. We are going to see a lot of
words that have the th and sh sound in it.
I will ask Does anyone notice the th or sh sound in the words that are in the title? I will
point out that the words father and fishing both have these sounds in them. I will also point out
that we spelled these words earlier during our Word Works. In the book we are going to be
reading about father bear going fishing. So when I give you the book I want you to find one word
that has sh in it and one word that has th in it. When you find a word point to it and say the
word. (Checking for understanding of the content).
Once every student has found a word that has sh and th in it then I will have the students
look through the book, looking at the pictures, and some of the words, so they can get a better
idea of what they may be reading about.
I will say look through the pictures in the book and the words and think; what do you think
that this book could be about?
I will ask What do you think that this book could be about? I will gather answers from the
students. Remember when we are reading that the pictures can help us figure out what is
going on in the story
I will tell everyone to close their books and tell the students when I touch your book, I want you
to open your book and silently begin reading in your whisper voices. When you are reading I

want you to point to each word that you are reading, and if you get done early I want you to
keep re-reading through your book.
During independent reading I will start one student reading the book first, and then start the
other students all at different times, so that I can monitor each students progress through the
book. The words that I think will be hard in the text are; river, where, said, looked, shouted. I
will make sure that each student is pointing to the word that they are reading. If a student is
struggling on a certain word.
I will have the prompts ready:
Lets look at this word. Get your mouth ready to say this word, look at the beginning sound. Do
you see any chunks of the word that you know? Do you see the th or sh sound in the word?
Way to sound out that word, now lets go back and re-read the sentence. Lets look at the
picture for clues; does the picture give us any clues?
I will also reference back to the beginning of the lesson by saying do you remember when we
spelled father or fish, do you remember how your mouth positions should be when you say
sh or th
If a student has read through the book multiple times, I will have them use a whiteboard to
write down what they recall from the story, or find different digraphs words in the text and
write them on the whiteboard.
CLOSURE: (1 minute)
I will say Everyone close your books. I am so proud of the way you read through this book
today. I really liked the way that you all sounded out the digraphs, th and sh in different
words. I could see that you were using clues from the text to help you see these words, and you
all used the correct mouth positions to sound out the words. When we say th our tongue goes
in between our teeth. When we say sh our lips go outward. We are going to see these sounds
in many different words. When we are reading and come across a word that has these two
letters, I want you to think back to this story, and remember that th and sh make one
I will say What is one of the things that Father Bear did in the story? (I will let students
I will ask students What else happened in the story? Did father bear catch any fish? Who went
looking for father bear? I will have students look back through the story if they do not
As the students are leaving the table I will have each student say with their mouths the two
digraphs that we learned today, and one word that contains a digraph that they saw in the story
(they can use the books if needed). For example; each student will say th and sh and give a
word that has a digraph from the story like father

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