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Garrett Raymond
Ms. Hamby
UWRT 1101 #19
24 November 2014
The reality of Meth
Through notes and analyzing across the Internet we decided that are social
message for our group was dont use meth. We decided to point it towards students,
parents and meth addicts. We wanted to make sure student dont ruin their future careers
by taking meth and parents ruined their childrens lives by taking or making meth. 10%
of children removed from homes of heavy users test positive for meth and 30-35% of labs
seized are located in residences with children. So we wanted to get are point across to the
parents so can try to prevent this and lower the numbers. We also wanted to get to heavy
meth users so that they would think before ruining their lives and their love ones around
Methamphetamine is a central nervous stimulant producing false feeling to make
you feel good. Its also called meth, chalk, ice and crystal. Its street names are known as
beannies, chicken feed, getgo, Mexican crack, wash, crypto and methlies quick. Its a
white, odorless, bitter-tasting powder that can be done orally, snorted, smoked, injected
or dissolved in water/alcohol. The average high last about four to twelve hours but you
eventually gain a tolerance which means you have to take more to get the same effects.
Methamphetamine is about 80 dollars a gram and addicts normally spend up to 150 to
200 dollars a day. It destroys your life by making you feel more powerful, happier and
confident but in reality its all-false feelings that make you keep wanting more. It comes


with very high risks when your taking meth. It makes its way directly to the brain and
spinal cord cutting of neurotransmissions. Causes strokes, comas, brain damage,
respiratory distress, paranoia, violent episodes, and psychotic episodes. It also wrecks
your outside appearance by giving you tooth decay, hair loss, skin lesions and high-risk
sexual behavior. Due to malnourishment from not having and appetite your face will
become more hollowed out and youll get meth mouth which is from poor hygiene and
tooth decay. The people who use meth used to be white, male, blue-collar workers in
rural in western U.S. Now there are 1.4 million meth users in the United States and it
keeps rising. Normally more men do it then women and more whites than African
Americans. High school and college students, white and blue-collar workers, and people
in theirs 20s and 30s that are unemployed are the majority of the users. When using
meth, your arent only endangering your life but those around you. Dont be fooled by
meth it can and will kill you.
We choose a flyer for one of our genres, which is small handbill advertising an
event or product. The flyer gives a brief description of what will happen to you if you
take meth and gives a place if you need help looking for a better future. The flyer uses
descriptive pictures that draws people towards it and makes then think before taking
meth. If you happen to already be a meth user the pictures will tell you what will
eventually become of you so it recommends you seek help. We chose this genre to
convey are social message because its only on a single page and its quick way to get our
message across. We used facts, pictures, and catchy phrases in our flyer to get our point
across in a way anyone could understand. I believe that our genre was very successful. If


we put that out in public I believe we could actually get people to think about the horrors
of meth and how it change your life forever in the most horrible ways.
Another genre we used to get our message across was a brochure. A brochure is a
small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service.
The brochure gives many interesting facts, diagrams, and some pictures to grab the
attention of the reader. The brochure is a very easy read because of the many bullet points
and spaces in the facts plus it gives detailed pictures which most people could understand
when looking at. We chose this genre because a brochure is very easy read but has more
detail then a flyer and it gives many facts and information towards the horrors of meth.
We used charts, pictures, and shocking facts to pull people towards are brochure and
away from meth. The brochure is well spaced out with ordered information that doesnt
make it confusing for the reader. I believe our brochure was very successful and it did its
job by telling or social message and very understandable way. If we actually used our
brochure in reality I think we could change the minds of a lot of people towards the idea
of meth. Our genre would give so much information to the people of society that I believe
it could prevent some people from doing it. If they were already meth heads and they saw
it maybe they could finally understand the harm they are putting on themselves and stop
for the sake of their love ones and the society we live in.
Are last genre we used would be notes. Notes are a brief record of facts, topics, or
thoughts, written down as an aid to memory. The notes give straight factual information
that tell you what exactly will happen to you if you use meth. It also tells you what it is,
what it looks like, who uses it, and how its abused. The notes are very spaced out with
bullets so their easy to read then if it was just one paragraph with no spaces. We chose


notes because it gives the most factual information on our subject more than and gives
people a better understanding on what meth is. Since it has so much information in it you
will learn a lot about the subject and meth and how harms your life. With all the factual
information we hope other will spread the word are notes and how terrible meth is for
you. It uses bullet points, titles and its easily broken up to get are point across easier. It
doesnt use pictures like the brochure or flyer but contains the most information about our
message. I believe are flyer was very successful in getting are point across with no
problem. I believe if we used this in society we could change the ideas of many people
towards meth. They could finally start to understand the dangers and risks of taking meth
are so they will never go near it. Meth addicts could finally start to understand what they
are putting in their bodies and all consequences that come with it. I believe are genre
could make our society better.
If you are a parent, student, or meth addict I believe that all are genres would help
or prevent you from using meth. A parent should never be using meth while they have
children because it destroys your childs life and they will never become successful.
Reading are three genres should make any parent change their mind about if they were
ever planning on doing it. Student should already know better then to take meth because
of all the schooling they went through. I believe students who read are genres will never
become meth addicts because of the horrors we explain in them. All their schooling will
be for nothing if they start using meth because you die at such a young age spending all
your money on the drug. Meth addicts would be harder to persuade since they are already
addicted to drugs temptations. So with a little help from our genres I think we could start
to help the meth addicts. By offering classes, factual information, diagrams, and


disturbing but real pictures I think we could start to make the user think what hes doing
rather then just doing it. Eventually I would hope that they would come to realize how
terrible it is and seek help to get rid of the toxin from their body. My hope is that are
genres just make a difference in our society today. I wish for a world clean of drugs were
people will have long healthy lives.
Our texts covey our message and make it easy for people of society to understand
the dangers of meth and what can happen to you if you start. The purpose is to scare
people away from taking it and if youre already a user to get off because you are only
destined for failure. I believe our brochure best met our intended social function because
it gave you good factual information plus pictures to better describe the text. All our texts
met there correct social function so I dont think we made any bad decisions and I only
believe we made great decisions. We were able to put are message across and through all
genres and I think it could really change someone opinion on meth. I always knew meth
was bad but when we created are texts I discovered way more about it then I would ever
think of. Now I want to prevent people from doing it with the knowledge I gained.


Work cited
Foundation For A Drug-Free World What is methamphetamine. September 2013

National Institute On Drug Abuse What is Meth made from? 2014

Frontline How Meth Destroys the Body. May 17, 2011

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