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Shared Inquiry Question Log Sheet

Gaston by William Saroyan

Name: _____________________________

Hour: ________

Date: ________________

Prereading Question:
Your Answer:
What is something about the story that stood out to you after the reading? (a part of
the story such as a characters thoughts, words, or actions, setting, etc.) Explain
why? ___________
What is a question that you have about the story?

The Focus Question:

Your answer before the discussion. What is the evidence within the story that
supports your answer? Be sure to cite the page number along with the evidence.
Your answer after the discussion. You may change or add to your original answer.
What is the evidence within the story that supports your answer? Be sure to cite the
page number along with the evidence.
What are your thoughts about the discussion. What did you like about it? What did
you dislike about it? Explain why.

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