Literacy Narrative Brainstorming

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UWRT 1103

Daybook Entry: Personal Literacy History Brainstorming

1. Who taught you to read and write? List all that apply.

Older sister
Preschool teacher(s)
K-12 Teacher(s)
SAT tutor

2. What kinds of writing did you enjoy when you were very young?

When i was very young, I did not enjoy writing much in general. I was not fond of poems, essays, and stories.

2. What kinds of books did you enjoy when you were very young?
1. I enjoyed reading triller, suspense, mystery novels. I was captivated by their ability
to keep me reading and not the book down.
2. Briefly describe your most vivid memory of reading at any age.
My most vivid memory of reading would be reading numerous James Patterson novels in middle school I
really admired his writing style and his stories especially the Alex Cross serious. I read countless novels written by
him and enjoyed every single one.

2. Briefly describe your most vivid memory of writing at any age.

My most vivid memory of writing was an essay I wrote for a Theory of Knowledge class. It was my junior
year of high school and it is my most vivid memory because my teacher in the IB program said I wrote the best
essay he has even read.

2. Briefly describe your earliest memory of reading?

1. My earliest memory of reading was when I was going to the library weekly for Tamil class,
and I would check out books and spend my Sunday reading them.
3. Briefly describe your earliest memory of writing?
1. My earliest memory of writing was at pre-school and my teacher telling my handwriting was
the worst she had ever seen.
4. What sense did you get, when you were young, of the value of reading and writing?
1. I did not get much sense of it and was not very fond of it. i preferred doing math.
5. What frustrated you about reading and writing as you progressed through school?
1. What frustrated me was constantly being behind everyone in terms of vocabulary for
whatever reason and the fact that I was not a good writer for a long time.
6. What pleased you about reading and writing as you progressed through school? 4
After freshman year of high school i realized what a great medium writing and reading were
for transferring ideas and feelings.

7. What kind of reading do you most commonly do now?

Most of my reading now are nonficiton novels written by famous people who have
accomplished something, and others to further educate myself.
What kind of writing do you do most commonly now?
The type of writing I do now, is the writing for school and a blog I write for as well as
writing scripts for movies I make
8. If you weren't in school, what would you read for pleasure?
1. I think I would still read those types of books and probably more philosphy books so that I
could educate myself.
9. If you weren't in school, what would you write for pleasure?
1. I would still be writing my blog and scripts for movies.
10. Where do you think your feelings about and habits of writing and reading come from? What in
your past has affected what you choose to read/write and whether or not you enjoy
My feelings about writing changed in 9th grade thanks to my english teacher, and my 9th,
10th, 12th grade teachers as well a Sat tutor I had who was a profesor at UNC have all
shaped my habits of writing and reading. I think before a constant negative feedback on my
writing dettered me awy from doing it. But once I realized I had the ability within myself I
started doing it alot more.
11. What people in your life have influenced your reading and writing development in a positive way?
1. 9th, 10th, 12th grade teachers as well a Sat tutor
17. Briefly describe how each person you chose in the previous question influenced your reading and
writing development in a positive way.
My 9th grade teacher taught the ways to access my inner skill of writing and getting that out onto
paper. My 10th grade teacher taught me how to apply that to literature and analyze said literature.
My SAT tutor taught me how to write better and saw the skills I had and taught me to apply it to
more pieces I write. My 12th grade teacher taught me the importance of analyzing litearture and
how it is so applicable to life.
18. What one person in your life has MOST influenced your reading and writing development in a
positive way? Choose one.
1. My 12th grade teacher taught me so amny little nuances about writing that improve writing
so much and most importantly looking at it from a philisophical stand point.
19. What people in your life have negatively affected your reading and writing development? Choose
all that apply.

My middle school teachers. They only gave me bad grades, and little to no input about
how to improve and do better in the class.

21. What one person in your life has MOST negatively affected your reading and writing
development? Choose one.

My 7th grade teacher. She gave the most negative feedback and constantly reminded me of
my lack of writing skill and never did anything to help despite my efforts of seeking said

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