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Writing 1310 Writing Assignment 3

Informative Essay: Wouldnt You Like to Be an Expert Too?

Using the same subject matter from your first two essays, you will now work to convince an
educated person one of two things:
(1) Why your area of expertise is positive and should therefore become an area of expertise
of more people, or
(2) Why your area of expertise is negative and should therefore be avoided by the general
You will support your assertion with the incorporation of 4-5 reliable sources. This paper should
take on a very formal tone and therefore utilize academic (and/or professional and/or scientific)
Minimum Requirements:
Title is interesting and related to the body of the paper.
Thesis statement reflects assignment.
Organization flows from thesis statement.
Major points are logically supported.
Formal English used.
Written in third person. First (I) and second person (you) excluded except for use in
quoted materials.
4-5 reliable sources incorporated appropriately.
Formatting Requirements:
APA formatting to include header, title, page numbers, margins, in-text citations, and
Reference page.
Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Double spaced.
Minimum of five pages (fifth page must be more than half-full). Maximum of seven
When you submit your final draft, on top of your paper you will need to paper clip your
Reflection. This is an informal document (still typedone double-spaced page will be sufficient)
that explains what you were trying to accomplish with your paper and how you were attempting
to accomplish those goals. Essays will not be graded until the accompanying Reflection is
Due dates:
Annotated bibliography: Monday, October 26
Rough draft/peer review: Wednesday, October 28 (one in my email box 1 hour prior to class, 2
hard copies brought to class for workshop)
Conference: Wednesday and Friday, November 4 and 6 (outside of class time)
Final draft with reflection: Monday, November 9 (one hour prior to class start time)

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