Thanksgiving History Lesson

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Name: Holly Berk

Topic: Social Studies Thanksgiving (Historical Perspective)

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Time Needed: 30 minutes
Essential Questions of the Unit
Can students describe aspects of holidays celebrated by various cultures?
Guiding Questions of the Lesson
Can student identify the basic events that occurred on the First Thanksgiving?
Can students sequence these events in the correct order?
Can students explain the feelings of both the Native Americans and Pilgrims on the First
K.H.1.3 Explain the impact of how life events bring change (a new sibling, moving to a new house, a new
job, a new school, etc.)
K.C.1 Understand how individuals are similar and different
Students will sequence the events surrounding the First Thanksgiving.
1621: A New Look at Thanksgiving by: Catherine ONeill Grace and Margaret M. Bruchac.
Published by National Geographic

I will begin the lesson by introducing the Thanksgiving holiday and telling students that it is
important to learn about why we celebrate Thanksgiving so that we can remember this on the
I will then show sentence strips with facts in the order that they occurred. For each fact, I will
explain the background and engage students in a discussion of the fact. I will ask them for their
ideas and questions as we discuss. These facts will include:
o Native Americans already lived in America.
o Pilgrims came over from England on a boat called the Mayflower. (Struggle)
o The Pilgrims wanted to live on the same land where the Native Americans already were.
o The Native Americans and Pilgrims did not get along and needed to talk. (Conflict)
o They both had things that could share and wanted to be friends. (What they had)
o The Native Americans and Pilgrims brought food to a big feast that they ate together.
After the discussion and explanation of each fact, students will be asked to sequence the events
surrounding the First Thanksgiving. Students will be asked to take a sentence strip and stand in
the correct order of events.
We will close by reviewing the events in order.

Assessment Plan
I will know that students met the learning goals if they can correctly sequence the events. I will also be
encouraging all students to participate in the discussion and their responses will help me to know if they

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