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Education 1100

Observation Hours: Set Three; Total Clock Hours: 5

1. Describe classroom environment and its importance in school climate
2. Understand the daily life of an educator
1. Complete the observation log each time you observe. Be sure to have your cooperating
teacher initial each line, and at the end of your first set of observations, have your
cooperating teacher sign the bottom of the log.
2. Go to and create your own classroom!
a. Print out a copy of your classroom to turn in
3. Write a one-page reflection explaining the classroom you have created
a. Relate your decisions to what you observed during your observation hours
4. Interview your cooperating teacher using the questions generated in class
Please turn in the following items by week 13 (11/17-11/21).
1. Observation log showing five hours of observation
2. Print out of your classroom
3. One-page reflection on your classroom (be sure to relate decisions to what you observed)
4. Teacher interview questions and answers
5. Graphic organizer with for teacher interview
Observation Log
Reflection on

Completed with signatures and
required number of hours
Print out has thoughtful setup of
Explains why the room is setup the
way it is, and how their decisions
are related to what they observed

Fail (must redo)

Missing signatures or represents
less than five hours
Missing printout/missing
significant parts of classroom
Is missing information

Name _______________________________________________ Date ___________________

Teacher Interview
Quote from teacher
What is your favorite part of
being a teacher? Why?
My favorite part of being a
teacher is the relationships. I
get to watch the students
change over the course of the
year academically, but with
the relationships it gives me
the opportunity for me to see
them change personally as

What is the most frustrating

part of being a teacher?
Not being able to do enough
for certain students.
Sometimes you notice that
certain children are not being
taken care of at home. I want
to just take them home with
me. These standards are so
high stake as well. Since these
students havent been with the
Common Core since 1st grade,
some of the standards now
they do not know. I find myself
back tracking to get them on
track for these standards. It is

How it applies to my future as

an educator
This applies to my future as an
educator because I further
understand how important it
is for students and teachers to
build a relationship in order
for effective teaching.

This applies to my future

because as a teacher, I will
know that although I will want
to help students with
everything, there are some
things I just cannot do. My
academic ability can only go so
far as well has my helping

Additional resources related

to this topic
An additional resource related
to this topic is what Mrs.
Brown stresses in class. She
always tells us the importance
of student-teacher
relationships and Mrs.
Ritchies quote validates this

our job to do that no matter

how frustrating. The pressure
is so high on us teachers. We
have to be under the gun all
the time.

Do you ever regret your

decision of becoming a
teacher? Why or why not?
No, however there have been
some times where I question
my skills, knowledge, and
reasons for being a teacher,
but I enjoy being in the
classroom. Some teachers
want to move into the
administrative field; I do not. I
belong with the students.

This relates to my future

because I was contemplating
going into education. I know
that it is okay to change your
mind or reflect on what youve
done. If I begin to question or
doubt my knowledge and
skills, it means I have
something to lose. This
statement from Mrs. Ritchie
drives me become an educator
and be the best teacher I can
be for students.

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