Sabrina Gutierrez Weebly Assignment 3b

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Sabrina Gutierrez

ECE 240
Amanda McPherson
11 December 2014

Child Assessment Analysis

Identify the Scenario

The scenario that I decided to use for this analysis was the preschool scenario. I chose this
scenario because I volunteer at a preschool so I feel I am more familiar with this age group of
children. In the observation the two little girls were Charlotte who is four years old and her
friend Cindy was playing in the dramatic play space. Charlotte and Cindy were both playing
restaurant. Charlotte wrote her order down for the server on a piece of paper and gives it to
Cindy. Cindy returns shortly after with a tray of food for Charlotte. Charlotte has a speech delay,
in which she does not pronounce words correctly and lacks vocabulary that other children have.
Once Cindy gives Charlotte her food tray she runs off to the block area to go play with some
other children.
Data from Checklists
After gathering all the necessary materials from the observation I made a checklist with three
headings; Emotional and Social Development and Physical Development. Cindy has mastered all
the concepts from each of the domains; I was unable to rate if Cindy she dictates thoughts and
ideas to adults. For Charlotte the three concepts that I had trouble rating was express empathy,
shows impulse control, and dictates thoughts and ideas to adults.

I found that Charlotte was emerging in four concepts in social and emotional development.
Charlotte was able to share the dramatic play area with Cindy. Charlotte also recognizes her own
skills and accomplishments because in the observation when she is done writing her order, she
than points to the letters on her order that relates to her food order. She clearly recognizes that
she believes that has made the word hamburger on the paper. Charlotte has mastered two
concepts for the developmental/ social she indicates an interaction with others and uses her
imagination during play.
In cognitive development Charlotte was emerging for three different concepts, one of the
concepts that she was emerging in was keeping and increasing the conversation with Cindy.
Charlotte is only emerging and not mastering this concept because of her speech delay but she is
still trying to communicate with others. Charlotte mastered three concepts for Cognitive
For the concept of physical development Charlotte has mastered all the concepts for this domain.
She is balanced; she moves with control and also can coordinate movements to perform tasks.
Charlotte is developing normal as far as physical development goes. Charlotte only has difficulty
communicating with what she wants.
Define Possible Outcomes
Charlotte has typical development; with her speech delay. Charlotte is not limited as far as
mobility or to what she is able to do. Communication is very important and without it its
frustrating to be interacting with your peers and teachers. With Charlotte having her speech delay
she has a little trouble communicating as well as her peers can. Since Charlotte has a speech
delay it would allow me to give her some more one on one to help develop her speech. It would

also be good to have a speech therapist to help with her words. My observation has guided my
intentions to seek additional measures to seek as much help for Charlotte as before she goes to
kindergarten. I am going to bring in the school speech therapists for Charlottes speech delay.
Cindy has a typical development; due to she has no delays. The outcome of being a child
with no delays will help Cindy realize that everyone is different. This will inform my teaching by
as a class we can read books about everyone is different and by having class discussions about
being to everyone even people that seem different to us.
Identify Strengths/ Weaknesses of Using the profile tool
The strengths of using the profile tool are that there are many checklists. Checklists are they are
easy to use and are very effective in the classroom. Its effective because it saves lots of time
writing down observations with a lot of details. Checklists provided limited information but you
could leave a section to where you would be able to leave additional comments if needed to go
into further details. Leaving a section for the comments is good because it allows you to know
whether the child is mastering or still needs some work in a certain area.
The weaknesses of using the profile file tool it doesnt preserve raw data from the
observation. The behaviors and what truly happened are lost to an extent due to not having any
verbal details of the observation. The strengths outweigh the weaknesses for using this profile
Identify Other Tools that might be used to support collection of data

The other tools that could be used to support the collection of data would be the use of
anecdotal record to see how she is doing developmentally besides her speech to make sure
nothing else is wrong that she may need extra help with.
Discuss Adaptations to the assessment tool
The adaptations I would make to this assessment tool would be adding a domain for speech
and the concepts with vocabulary to see where Charlotte is at with her delay. I would also like to
make an adaptation using another assessment tool option of assistive technology for Charlotte. It
would benefit Charlotte during her speech delay if she had access to a computerized
communication system; she would be able to communicate on almost more of the same level as
the other children as far as her vocabulary goes. I also would like to get a speech therapist to
come in to work with her.

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