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Concordia University Ann Arbor

Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Review of Federal Government

Subject/Domain: Social Studies
Time Available: 35 Minutes
Standards Addressed:

Prepared By: Megan Stone

Grade/Age: 4th Grade
Date: April 14, 2014

C1 Purposes of Government
Explain why people create governments.
C3 Structure and Functions of Government
Describe the structure of government in the United States and how it functions to serve citizens.
4 C1.0.2 Explain probable consequences of an absence of government and of rules and laws.
4 C3.0.3 Describe the organizational structure of the federal government in the United States
(legislative, executive, and judicial branches).

Teaching Strategy:
Introduction/ Set induction:
Three branches of government- Judicial, legislative, and executive.
Judicial-Supreme Court, they review constitution and make sure laws are appropriate/carry out
the laws.
Legislative-Congress: House of Representatives, and Senate, they create laws.
Executive- President and his cabinet, they enforce the laws.
Importance of laws- to keep the people of the United States safe.
Bill of rights- First 10 amendments of the constitution of the United States.
Preamble-Introduction to the constitution of the United States.
Instructional Activities:
The class will be split up in to 5 different teams. The teacher will help me spilt up the students in
teams that will work well together. We are going to play a game with questions from the
previous lessons that I have taught to the class. The questions will be on a power point and we

are just going to go through them one at a time, giving each group a first chance at answering a
-One team will be asked a question one at a time. If the team does not know the answer to the
question or they get the question wrong then another team can answer the question. The
question is live until a team can come up with a correct answer or if all teams have guessed and
gotten it wrong.
-Each team has 10 seconds to answer their question or they get the question wrong.
-Each question is worth 200 points.
-If a member of another team says the answer to one of the question or is talking and it is not
their turn to speak then their team loses 200 points.
-Questions will be asked in number order of the teams so each team will get a first chance to
answer questions.
-The final questions is like final Jeopardy and the teams decide how much they want to wager of
their money before I give them the question and then they have 30 seconds to answer their
question on a piece of paper and give it to me with their team number on the paper. If they get
the question right then they get the amount of points that they wager and if they get it wrong then
they lose that amount of points. They can only wager a total of the amount of points that they
*The winning team gets fruit snacks and the other teams get starbursts.
Hand out the prizes to the winning team.
Observation-As students are working together to figure out the answer to the questions I will be
watching to see if everyone is participating in the group discussion to get the answer. It is hard
to find out what each individual knows, but this is just a review game.
Resources Needed:

Power point
Answer Sheet


Students responded really well to this lesson. They did however get a little competitive. I did
not mind it, but my cooperating teacher did not like it. She told me that she would have rather
had be do some teaching that did not get them excited. I dont understand that, but I did respect
it because it was her classroom.

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