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A Day in the Life of a Female Etruscan

History 134
Janae Bardell

My name is Hercna, and it could be said that I am of the higher class in our society.
There arent many of us, so we have many slaves. Today my children woke me up. I have three
of them, which is a reasonable amount for being twenty-five. The children wanted me to play in
the courtyard with them, and practice their reading also. My husband left before any of us woke
up to help manage construction in the city. While he works, I take care of the kids and a few
things around the house. Our servants take care of most everything else. Sometimes I leave my
children in the care of one of the servants while I go out and meet with some friends, like I did

I only left for a few hours to drink wine and socialize with a few of my closest friends.
We sat outside, drank wine, and spoke of the most recent things going on in our lives.
Afterwards I returned home to get the children ready for a funeral which most of the city was
going to. We celebrated an honored soldier, and his new, better life after death. The celebration
included a banquet for the adults, where we all ate, laughed, and drank wine with our husbands.

We arrived home and put the children to bed. My husband spoke of the Romans and how
they are beginning to use gladiatorial combat. The Romans seem to think that the way we live is
strange; women socialize and drink wine, while their woman rarely leave the house. In my


opinion, its not good for women to be so oppressed, like the Roman women are.

After talking for some time, we settled into bed so that we could get sufficient rest, for
another productive day.


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