Math Lesson Plan 10-22

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Design for Learning

Instructor: Grace Culbreth

Lesson Title: Using word problems with subtraction
Curriculum Area: Math

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: 1st,

Date: October 22, 2014
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Standards Connection: Alex 1st Mathematics. 1.) Use addition and

subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding
to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with
unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations
with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Learning Objective(s): The students will be able to learn to visualize and
retell the action in subtraction situations developing strategies for
subtraction problems, modeling how they found their answer, and develop a
way to record their answer.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today we will
be learning how to subtract using word problems and different types of
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): After the lesson I will give the
students a worksheet with two story problems on them. The students should
be able to correctly answer both questions to be considered mastery.
Engagement: Everyone clean up your book boxes and come to the rug! The
students will put away their book boxes and come sit down on the rug in
front of where I am sitting. 5...4..3...21, I will do this to get the students
attention and have them all looking at me quietly. Okay boys and girls, does
anyone remember the answer to yesterdays word story problem about
Student A and Student B? Student A had 8 toy cars and gave 3 to student B.
Does anyone remember what we were trying to figure out in that problem?
The students will try and remember the story problem from the day before
and what they had learned.
Learning Design:
1.Teaching: Okay boys and girls we will learn more subtraction word
problems. I will only call on students who are sitting quietly, criss cross
applesauce, and raising their hand. I will start with easier problems out loud
to get the students to think in their head. Student A found 13 acorns on the

playground; if he gave 1 acorn to Student B how many acorns does Student

A have left? The students will answer the question. Awesome job! How did
you find that the answer was 12? What different strategies did you use? Can
you put the story in your own words or explain it differently. The students will
then show how they were able to find their answers. ? I will draw their
strategies on the board if they include pictures. I will then write a harder
word problem on the board and see if the students are able to answer with
my assistance. I will write: If Student A had 14 cookies and wanted to share
8 with Student B how many cookies did Student A have left? If the students
are having trouble with this lesson I will use manipulative cubes to
demonstrate. This way the students will be able to have an example for if
they are getting confused. After the students are finished with their
worksheet, we will come back together as a class.
Okay boys and girls when you have finished both sides of your worksheet
bring it to me and sit down in the circle again. The students will come quietly
and sit
back down after they have finished. We will then go over their worksheet. I
will ask the students who came up with an answer for their worksheet. Okay
who finished side one of your worksheet that wants to explain their answer?
The students will raise their hands to answer the question. After each
answer, right or wrong, I will ask the student to explain what they did to get
to that answer. Very good Student A! Show us how you were able to get your
answer! The student will use their paper to demonstrate to the class how
they were able to get the right answer. Okay boys and girls what are some
other ways we could have gotten that answer? The students who used a
different approach to their answer will demonstrate how they found the
answer. Very good boys and girls! Are there any other ways we could find
the answer to this problem? The students will answer. So we have found out
that there are no more ways we could find this answer. Which way do you all
think would be the most efficient way to find the answer to this problem? The
students will answer correctly. Very good! During this lesson we will go
through each way the students could find this answer such as drawing
pictures, using their fingers, a number line, counting backwards, etc.
II. Opportunity for Practice: Now boys and girls we have a worksheet.
Please walk to your table quietly and work by yourself when you get there. I
will call the students one at a time to come get a worksheet and go back to
their table. I will be available to help any student who may be struggling or
they can ask a neighbor.
III. Assessment I will be assessing the students while we are going over the
lesson. I will see if the students are able to retell the problem in their own
ways and if they had a way to make sense of the problem and a strategy to
solve the problem. They will also given a worksheet to work on at their
tables. They will not be able to work in groups for this assessment and it will
be turned into me for a grade.

IV. Closure: I will close with the students going to their math stations. Okay
boys and girls we will now go to our math stations. I will call you to go pick
which station. Be sure to pick a station you have not been to yet! There are
6 different stations that help the students with the math problems we have
been working on in class. They will each choose a different station than the
day before, this will let them go to each station
Materials and Resources: Worksheet, manipulatives, white board, and
markers for the students to demonstrate their work.

Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):

While teaching and discussing the students I will be observing their different
strategies and if they are all understanding the concepts. For the students
who are not understanding I will have them work in groups with other
students who are understanding so they will be able to explain to those who
are struggling. If students are struggling more I will reread the question to
the students and give them a better explanation.
Data Analysis: The students were able to understand the concept, but need
more work on trying different strategies. The students did a good job with
understanding, but still needed some help getting through the problem and
knowing that it was subtraction not addition.
Reflection: I need to give more examples and have the students be able to
show their work and their examples on the board so other students will be
able to see strategies they may not have used. I need to show the students
what I am thinking as well and show them what I would do for this math

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