Course Schedule 3103 - October and Start of November 1

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This schedule is that of October to November, is subject to change, and may be amended in
order to comply with the established course objectives. Nevertheless, the topics and readings
will roughly be discussed in the following order, unless a change is made in accordance with
the students and the instructor. It is the students responsibility to read the required texts
and review all assigned media before they are discussed in class.

UNIT I: Unit II: Argumentative Essay to Unit III: Rhetorical

Week 1: September 30 to October 2

Counter Argument Introduction (Counter Argument in class work)

Argumentative Essay requirements discussed (Materials Given)
Operationalizing Thesis Statement and Counter argument
(Final Draft of Argumentative Essay due October 9)
Week 2: October 7 to October 9

Peer Review of 1st Draft of Argumentative Essay (Peer Review Sheet)

Argumentative Essay Hand-in & Introduction to Rhetorical Analysis
(Introduction to the importance of audience)
HW: Look up for what are Rhetorical Appeals (Hand-in)
Week 3: October 14 to October 16
Introduction to Rhetorical Appeals- Practice exercise on analyzing
Introduction to SOAPS and practice exercise on iPhone 6 commercial
HW: Rhetorical Analysis of 3 videos (Paragraph on each)
Week 4: October 21 to October 23

Discussion of HW & Introduction to Rhetorical analysis of Texts

(Discussion of sample texts)
Continuation on how to Rhetorically Analyze texts & in class activity
(One event 3 Frames and 3 Solutions)
HW: To read Chapter 7: So what? Who cares? of They Say/I Say

Week 5: October 28 to October 30

Discussion of Chapter 7 (So what? Who cares?) & in-class analysis of a

sample of a speech.
Intro to creating structure and choosing a style and design and
assignment of groups
HW: Searched for ads related to a product you are considering to
deconstruct, make notes on the rhetorical appeals of the product.

Week 6: November 4 to November 6

On Tuesday students will share their ideas within their assigned groups
and start to develop their analysis (Using graphic organizers)
First draft hand in and review

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