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Running head: MR.


Philosophy of Education
What I believe to be truth about middle school students is that all students are able to
learn. Young people have so many changes happening; it is amazing they can function at all.
Some bodies grow so fast, they lose coordination. Physical, emotional, and hormonal changes
make them unpredictable at times. They want to try on life but are not quite ready. The
physical attributes create a tendency to view them as more mentally mature than they are. An
adolescent boy or girl may engage in risky behavior one minute and watch Sponge Bob Square
Pants while coloring the next. We need to keep our wits about us as we guide them through this
Students learn at different rates and in different ways, differentiation is essential to
successful learning. Student centered learning, differentiating in accordance with students
diverse social, emotional and physical needs, always striving to increases student success.
Changing lesson practices is another. Not all pupils are auditory (hearing) learners. Some are
visual learners; others are kinesthetic (movement and touch) learners. Gone are the days (or
should be) of the teacher-centered class, where they drone on about what they want to hear, I will
not be that teacher. Engaging lessons are how adolescents will be successful learners. Student
centered teaching is crucial in the development of these young and changing minds.
Philosophy of Classroom Management
My mission is to empower and motivate adolescent students academically and socially,
preparing them to be productive citizens, leaders and lifelong learners. Through a studentcentered academic curriculum coupled with a nurturing and safe environment the whole child
will grow and develop physically and emotionally. All students will be treated with dignity and
respect, and expected to treat others in the same way.


Theorists and Researchers

Two theorists in classroom management that I identify with are William Glasser and
Harry Wong. Glasser and Wong align closely with the Humanism theory in education, which is
based on emotion and affect. Glassers ideas align with Maslows Hierarchy of Needs as well.
Wong promotes structure, positive and high expectations, and that all students can be successful.
The use of choice (Glasser) and procedures (Wong) work well together. Students will have to
make a purposeful choice to behave poorly. Students may choose to behave better when the
procedures explain expectations.
William Glasser website:
Harry Wong website:
Classroom Rules

Follow directions the first time they are given.

Be respectful to yourself and others
Bring all books and materials to class.
Be on time.
Only one person in the classroom may speak at a time.
Rationale for Classroom Rules
The rules that I chose for my classroom are chosen to reflect my high expectations for my

students. The rules allow the students to see the behaviors I expect from them. My rules are
positive and a combination of general and specific rules. Wong goes into detail about rules in his
book The First Days of School, which is why I have merged the two types. Glasser discusses
that a boss teacher will dictate rules, however the rules I chose focus on creating warm,
supportive and safe classroom setting, something he stresses in quality teaching.


A. Individual
1. Homework Pass
2. Positive Note Home
3. Eat with a friend at lunch
4. Free time
5. Listen to music while working
B. Group
1. Eat lunch in classroom
2. Have class outside
3. No Homework pass
4. Listen to music while working
5. Talk time at the end of class
C. Rationale for use
My classroom will have positive and negative consequences. The positive consequences
are for students following rules and procedures. Students who follow this list: good class
participation, no negative behavior marks on the discipline log, one tardy or less in a nine week
period, one absence or less in a nine week period, 100% class work and homework completed, a
75 or above grade average, no silent lunch, will be awarded the listed positive consequences.
Lee and Marlene Canter promote an escalating consequences and assertive discipline. I
agree with them, each time a student chooses to break a rule the consequence will escalate. The
consequences must be logical for the infraction. My procedure will be posted as follows:
First Time: Name on board Warning! Stop the Behavior
Second Time: Check mark next to name on board See Me after class & discus behavior
Third Time: Check mark next to name on board See Me after class & Silent Lunch
Fourth Time: Check mark next to name on board See Me after class & Silent Lunch &
office referral.
The board resets each day. The infraction will be noted in the behavior log, for use later when
awarding or not awarding positive consequences.


Behavior Management Procedures
1) Beginning of Class Procedures:
a) Enter the room in a quiet and orderly manner.
b) Turn in assignments in the assignment tray.
c) Complete warm up in notebook.
d) Prepare for class.
2) Class Period Procedures:
a) Raise One Finger to speak, Two Fingers to leave your seat, Three Fingers for help.
b) Sit up and be alert during class
c) Be respectful while working
3) Ending Class Procedures:
a) The teacher dismisses the class not the clock or bell.
b) Clean up your desk area after the teacher dismisses the class
c) Push in your chair quietly when you leave
d) Exit in a quiet and orderly manner
4) Hallway Procedures:
a) Line up in the room
b) Exit when the teacher dismisses you
c) Maintain a quiet and orderly single file line
d) Follow teacher instructions
5) Absentee Procedures:
a) If you are absent from class, you are responsible for obtaining assignments and notes
when you return.
b) Check for assignments on the assignment board.
c) Worksheets and any additional handouts can be obtained from the make-up folder.
d) You have five school days after an excused absence to make up any missed work.
6) Whole Class Activity Procedures:
a) Raise your hand to answer.
b) Be respectful of others thoughts and opinions.
c) Follow directions and activity procedures.
d) The teacher is the leader unless otherwise noted.
7) Small Group Activity Procedures:
a) The teacher will form groups
b) Collaborate with group members
c) All members must participate, share information, and help each other.
d) Groups follow all regular classroom procedures.

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