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Teacher: Bushra Afreen

Malak, in the last couple of months I have been noticing that you are becoming
more communicative and expressive. You have always been cheerful and
bubbly little girl who gives some gorgeous smiles and cheekiness when people
are around. Lately you have taken an interest in your peers and you play these
games where you giggle, laugh and smile at each other. Malak I was showing
you high five by saying it then taking your hand in mine. Later on I came
upto you with the camera and said high five Malak and you looked at me and
then smiled and put your hand up slowly so we could high five each other!
Just the other day, I heard you using your verbal communication skills to
express your dissatisfaction with your peer when they left the table without
getting their hands washed and bibs off. Malak, you were pointing to them
shaking your and saying no, no.
It is great to see that your confidence is building Malak to express yourself. You
are becoming communicative and you are using your verbal and non-verbal
communication skills for the range of purposes.

Where to next:
Malak, your Kaiako will keep on supporting and encouraging you to use your
verbal and non verbal communication skills to express yourself.

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