Guided Reading3

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Kerin Mone

December 1, 2014

Guided Reading Lesson Plan


Lesson Presentation: 15 Minutes

Before reading the book write the word garden on the board and point to the word as you read it aloud to students.!
Repeat the process and have students say the word aloud. !
Invite students to name items that might grow in a garden. !
Draw and label these items on a chart. !
Introduce the book, Garden and remind all students of the Superpowers of reading, such as look at pictures look for
snap words!
Show students the front and back covers of the book and read the title with them. !
Ask what they think they might read about in a book called The Garden. !
Show students the title page. Discuss the information on the page (title, authors name, illustrators name). !
Remind students to look at the picture and the letters with which a word begins or ends to figure out a difficult word.
For example, point to the word melons on page 5 and say: I am going to check the picture and think about what would
make sense to figure out this word. The picture shows watermelons growing on a vine in the garden. When I look at
the first part of the word, it starts with /m/. However, the word watermelon starts with the /w/ sound, so this cant be the
word. I know that watermelons can also be called melons. The word melons starts with the /m/ sound. The sentence
makes sense with this word. The word must be melons. !
Tell students they are going do partner reading about gardens.
Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice:
Estimated Time: 20 minutes
The students will be actively engaged either reading with partners or in guided reading.
For those in the guided reading small group.
Give students their copy of the book.
Have a volunteer point to the first word on page 3 (The).
Point out to students where to begin reading on each page.
Remind them to read the words from left to right.
Have each student read a page using their finger to point to each word as they read.
Final Summary/Closure:
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
What are some strategies that were used today to help us figure out the words.

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