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Teacher: Briana Lambert

Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

English Language Arts Grade 6

Guided Practice

Instructional Input

6.W.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts and
information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to define and explain poverty.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
Students will be able to explain the basic concept of poverty from prior days.
Students will be able to explain how poverty affects others lives.
Students will be able to relate poverty to in class activity.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable, include variety of methods of checking for understanding):
Students will be able to define and explain poverty through writing with 80% accuracy as
measured by a teacher made rubric.
Key vocabulary:
Opening/Anticipatory Set: (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
Have the students think pair share with a partner about what they remember from the previous 3 days.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
The teacher will show a video on poverty in
Students will sit quietly at their desks while
the video is playing.
The teacher will then lead the class in a
Students will raise their hand to participate in
discussion about poverty and what it means to
class discussion.
Students will quietly listen to the teacher while
Read aloud Lives Turned Upside Down
she reads the story aloud.
For the higher students in the classroom, The teacher will ask higher level thinking questions.
Teacher Will:
The teacher will give each student a paper
Then the teacher will pass out Skittles to each
student in their bowl.
Each student will get a different amount of
Skittles. Making sure some students have very
few and some have handfuls.
Once each student has a bowl of skittles in front
of them the teacher will begin asking questions.
The teacher will ask each student how he or

Student Will:
Students will participate by observing the
amount of Skittles they received.
They will answer the questions the teacher
asks by raising their hand at their seat.

Independent Practice

she feels about the amount of Skittles they

The teacher will then ask how this relates to the
book they read aloud.
The teacher will ask if the students had control
over the amount of Skittles they received.
The teacher will ask how this relates to poverty
in schools and in their everyday lives.
For the lower students in the classroom, I will have them work with a neighbor/partner who will
assist them in coming to a reasonable observation. Using the candy manipulatives this will help
the students have a visual.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Teacher will write the prompt on the whiteboard. Students will write individually and raise hand
Define and explain what you have learned
if they need assistance.
about poverty. Use examples from the class
lessons to help support your answer.

For lower students, the teacher will give sentence starters and allow the student to only give one
example from class.
For the higher students, the teacher will expect these students to create a fictional plan to assist
students who may live in poverty/are homeless in their school.
Closure/Lesson Summary: When the students are completed with their papers, the teacher will allow
the students to eat their candy while she asks students to share with their neighbor what poverty
means and how their views have changed.

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