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CHDV 142

Observation Assignment Template

Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
Title 22 Regulations
101239 FIXTURES,
(q) All materials and
surfaces accessible to
children, including toys,
shall be free of toxic

Semester: Spring 14

Textbook Material
Observation Notes
Toys need to be free from In my observation I
Based on my observation I My recommendations for
germs to keep children
noticed the staff
believe that this program isthis program would be that
safe from disease this consistently cleaning the in compliance with this
they not only have the
makes it important to
children play areas.
regulation because the
chart for the proper
clean toys periodically to The staff cleaned toys with staff takes the time to
cleaning solution in
keep them sanitary and
a solution containing a
clean the surfaces, and
English but in Spanish as
safe for use (Nutrition, small amount of bleach
toys, anything that are
Health and Safety for
depending on the size of accessible to the children.
Young Children:
the spray bottle after the Furthermore, it compares
Promoting Wellness,
children left home.
to the practices as
Joanne Sorte, Inge
The staff used the bleach described in the textbook
Daeschel, Carolina
solution to clean off all
in the following ways that
Amador, 2013 p.457).
tables and shelves.
recommend all toys are
germ free. Clean toys need
to be kept sanitary and
safe for children.
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because the
staff take the safety of
preventing germs in to
consideration. In addition,
it supports the children
development in the
physical domain because if
a child is exposed to toxic
materials, it will take a
physical tow on the childs

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
101238.2 OUTDOOR
(b) The outdoor activity
space shall be situated to:
(2) Permit children to
reach the outdoor activity
space safely.

Semester: Spring 14

Safe outdoor play
In my observation of the Based on my observation I My recommendations for
environments address
program I observed the
believe that this program isthis program would be that
childrens developmental outdoor safety. The access in compliance with this
they place labels of the
needs, supports
to the outdoor is safe from regulation because they items in the outdoor space
appropriate supervision, any materials such as toys, made sure to remove all in English and Spanish.
and provide accessible and bikes, and blocks. Noticed materials for children to
safe opportunities for
it was a possibility to
gain access to the outdoors
active and energetic play reach the outdoor spaces safely. Furthermore, it
(Sorte, Daeschel, Amador without tripping over
compares to the practices
objects. Materials were all as described in the
in the right locations.
textbook in the following
ways that outdoor play
should provide accessible
and safe play. Therefore,
this practice influences the
quality of the program
because they make sure
the outdoors were
organized and free of
materials that could block
the childrens access to the
outdoor space safely. In
addition, it supports the
children development in
physical domain because
the child could get
physically hurt if the
outdoor space was not

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
101238.2 OUTDOOR
(d) The surface of the
outdoor activity space
shall be maintained:
(1) In a safe condition for
the activities planned.

101238.2 OUTDOOR

Semester: Spring 14

Creating safe outdoor

In my observation of this Based on my observation I My recommendations for
play spaces requires
program, I noticed all
believe that this program isthis program would be
attention to many detail, outdoor materials for
in compliance with this
they label the shade tent
recognizing potential
childrens activity was in regulation because they and other materials in
hazards, choosing safe
safe condition. I observed make sure the materials English and Spanish.
equipment (Sorte,
rounded edges on the
are in safe conditions for
Daeschel, Amador pg.457- tables.
children to play with.
I observed no rusty or old Furthermore, it compares
bikes. All materials were to the practices as
in good and safe condition described in the textbook
for a childs play.
in the following ways that
recognizing potential
hazards and choosing safe
equipment helps create a
safe outdoor play.
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because the
staff makes sure the
outdoor materials are in
safe condition by fixing
any potential hazards. In
addition, it supports the
children development in
the physical domain
because if a child comes in
connection with a
hazardous material they
could hurt themselves.
Outdoor play spaces need In my observations of this Based on my observation I My recommendations for

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014

Semester: Spring 14

(f) Sandboxes shall be
inspected daily and kept
free of hazardous foreign

to be carefully assessed to
identify hazards, plan for
safety (Sorte, Daeschel,
Amador pg.458)

program, I noticed before

the children arrived the
staff walking around the
outdoors. I walked over to
the sandbox and inspected
for any animal droppings,
bottles, cigarettes or any
other foreign materials.

101239 FIXTURES,

Many fun and

In my observation of the

believe that this program isthis program would be

in compliance with this
they have a label for the
regulation because the
sandbox area in Spanish
staff walked around the
and English.
outdoor to check for any
hazardous materials.
Furthermore, it compares
to the practices as
described in the textbook
in the following ways of
carefully assessing to
identify hazards for the
safety of outdoor play.
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because the
staff made sure there were
no hazardous foreign
materials before the
children arrived to the
program. In addition, it
supports the children
development in the social/
emotional domain because
if a child gets sick from
contact to a hazardous
material s/he will not be
able to be around their
peers or teachers.
Based on my observation I My recommendations for

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
SUPPLIES (Continued)
(m) All play equipment
and materials used by
children shall be ageappropriate.
(1) The licensee shall
provide a variety of ageappropriate equipment,
toys and materials in good
condition and in sufficient
quantity to allow children
present to fully participate
in planned activities.

challenging options are

available for fixed
equipment, however some
introduce risk for impact
injuries and strangulation.
Making intentional
selections of fixed
equipment avoids these
hazards (Sorte, Daeschel,
Amador pg.462).


Implementing a No

Semester: Spring 14

program, I looked for

believe that this program isthis program would be that
materials that were not
in compliance with this
they label the equipment
appropriate for the
regulation because the
they have in two languages
children. I did not see any equipment was agethat represent the cultural
equipment that was too big appropriate for the
of the children.
for the children to play
children. Furthermore, it
with or on.
compares to the practices
as described in the
textbook in the following
ways of stating equipment
that is not right for the
childrens age can cause
injuries and strangulations.
Choosing the right
equipment avoids these
hazards. Therefore, this
practice influences the
quality of the program
because they made sure
that all equipment for
children are for the right
age and size. In addition, it
supports the children
development in the
physical domain because if
a child is playing on
equipment not meant for
them they could get
In my observations I had Based on my observation I My recommendation for

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
Touch policies to reduce
(a) Any form of discipline the risk of abuse (Sorte,
or punishment that violates Daeschel, Amador
a child's personal rights as pg.558).
specified in Section
101223 shall not be
permitted regardless of
authorized representative
consent or authorization.

Semester: Spring 14

to ask the director about

the discipline regulation. I
was told they do not
discipline the children in
the program or punish.

believe that this program isthis program is that they

in compliance with this
continue to enforce the no
regulation because they do punishment policy and
not physically harm the send out information
children. They touch the addressing parents who
children in an appropriate gives authorization for
way such as a hug, or rub discipline some alternative
on the back if they are not discipline techniques in
feeling well. Furthermore, English and Spanish.
it compares to the
practices as described in
the textbook in the
following ways not
touching the children
eliminates the risk of
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because they
respect the rights of the
children and refuse to
punish or discipline the
children. In addition, it
supports the children
development in the
emotional domain because
the children will enter the
program feeling safe.
101229.1 SIGN IN AND This routine documents In my observation of this Based on my observation I My recommendation for
SIGN OUT 101229.1
who delivered or received program, I noticed all
believe that this program isthis program would be that

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
(b) The person who brings
the child to, and removes
the child from, the center
shall sign the child in/out.

101238.3 INDOOR

the child and when, and

creates a record of the
exchange if there is any
confusion (Sorte,
Daeschel, Amador

Semester: Spring 14

parents or guardians
signed in and out the
children they brought to
the program.

in compliance with this

the sign in and out folder
regulation because the
is in two languages to
teachers at the door were accommodate the Spanish
familiar with the parents speaking parents.
signing in and out the
children. Furthermore, it
compares to the practices
as described in the
textbook in the following
ways of having a routine
of documentation
eliminates confusion.
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because they
made sure the children
were leaving with the
parent or guardian that
brought them to the
program. It keeps the child
safe and eliminates any
kidnapping. In addition, it
supports the children
development in the
physical domain because
the child would not be
harm by a stranger.
Upholstery and carpeting In my observation of this Based on my observation I My recommendation for
should be spot cleaned
program, floors were
believe that this program isthis program would be
using a disinfectant
being swept and cleaned in compliance with this
they teach children within

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014

Semester: Spring 14

(b) The floors of all rooms product designed for

shall have a surface that is fabrics (Sorte, Daeschel,
safe and clean.
Amador pg.522).

by staff. Cleaning any

access material from
project. Staffed moved
objects in there right

101239 FIXTURES,
SUPPLIES (Continued)

In my observation of the
program the childrens
equipment is age
appropriate. Rounded

The equipment design

should include needed
safety aspects such as
guardrails and barriers,

regulation because the

the process of the project
staff was cleaning the
to not spill and explain it is
floors of any excess
important to keep the
materials the children left floors safe and clean. And
behind. Furthermore, it
say the words clean and
compares to the practices safe in Spanish as well.
as described in the
textbook in the following
ways of carpeting and tile
should be spotless, clean
in the classroom at all
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because the
staff makes an effort to
clean the floors from any
materials that may cause
an injury. In addition, it
supports the children
development in physical
domain because the
children can freely move
around the classroom
without tripping over and
Based on my observation I My recommendation for
believe that this program isthis program would be that
in compliance with this
they have stopper on the
regulation because they rolling gate to the sand

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
and avoid potential hazard edges, no entrapment
(o) Playground equipment (Sorte, Daeschel, Amador fences.
shall be securely anchored pg.462).
to the ground unless it is
portable by design.
(1) Equipment shall be
maintained in a safe
condition, free of sharp,
loose or pointed parts

Semester: Spring 14

make sure the equipment box, so a child dont get

for outdoors is safe for the crushed or injury
children to play.
themselves. And label
Furthermore, it compares outdoor objects in English
to the practices as
and Spanish.
described in the textbook
in the following ways of
the equipment should
include safety aspects for
the outdoor play area.
Therefore, this practice
influences the quality of
the program because they
made sure the equipment
is not harmful to the
children by having no
entrapments and rounded
edges. In addition, it
supports the children
development in the
physical domain because
the children can play carefree outdoors. In the
social-emotional domains
the children can interact
with their peers and feel
good about it, without
having to stop playing to
address an injury.

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014
(Continued) 101238

All cleaning supplies,

lotions, bleach, and other
potentially toxic materials
(g) Disinfectants, cleaning must be stored outside the
childrens space or in a
solutions, poisons and
other items that could pose locked cabinet (Sorte,
a danger if readily
Daeschel, Amador
available to children shall pg.449).
be stored where
inaccessible to children.
(1) Storage areas for
poisons shall be locked.

Semester: Spring 14

In my observation of this Based on my observation I My recommendation for

program, staff had bleach believe that this program isthis program would be that
and water combination
in compliance with this
they label the cabinet with
stored in a locked cabinet, regulation because the
a sign-language image as
it was not within reach for staff stores the
well as the English and
children. The cabinet had disinfectants in a locked in Spanish labels.
the measurements to make a high to reach cabinet out
of access of the children.
Furthermore, it compares
to the practices as
described in the textbook
in the following ways of
all cleaning supplies
should be stored away
from children. Therefore,
this practice influences the
quality of the program
because they are taking the
right measures to keep the
children safe from toxic
chemicals. In addition, it
supports the children
development in the
physical domain because it
prevents the children from
reaching the chemical and

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014

Semester: Spring 14

consuming it.


Above Average
Excellent work in this category.
Good work in this category, but
Revisions or enhancements to your you will need to make some
Professional Portfolio will consist of revisions to this area prior to
adding information to demonstrate submitting it in your Professional
knowledge. For example, new
observations can be added during
your practicum.
Student includes all 10 entries. Each Student includes 6-8 entries.
observation entry relates to health or Observations may be objective
safety, is detailed, specific, objective, but include some subjectivity,
and meaningful.
lack significant, or are brief.

The degree to which the student
provides an objective, detailed
observation, which demonstrates
knowledge of safety or health practices
(Points Possible: 10)
Support Materials:
The material that was chosen from
The degree to which the student
the textbook and the Title 22
chooses appropriate textbook material regulation are closely related to the
and Title 22 regulations, which relate observation that was made. Each
to the observation. (Points Possible: entry has appropriate 3 references
from textbook.
Analysis of multiple sources of
Students reflection on the
information on health and safety
observation, the regulation, and
supporting textbook material

Below Average
Poor work in this category. You
will need to make substantial
revisions to this area before
submitting it in your Professional
Student includes less than 5
entries. Observations are
subjective, very brief, stated in
general terms (not specific), and
not meaningful.

The material that was chosen

The material that was chosen from
from the textbook might relate to the textbook and the Title 22
the observation, while the Title 22 regulations do not relate to the
regulation might not, or vice
observation that was made. Each
versa. Each entry has appropriate entry has appropriate 1 or no
2 references from textbook.
reference from textbook.
Students reflection on the
Students reflection on the
observation, the regulation, and observation, the regulation, and
supporting textbook material
supporting textbook material

CHDV 142
Observation Assignment Template
Student Name: Raven Bouye
Program Observed: Victor valley State Preschool
Dates and Times: 4/14/2014

Semester: Spring 14

The degree to which the student makes

appropriate use of multiple sources of
information in the analysis of the
observation in relation to textbook
material and Title 22 regulations.
(Points Possible 25)

demonstrates knowledge of how

health and safety practices
influence the quality of the early
childhood programs and how
health and safety practices support
development in at least 8 of the 10

Analysis of material to make

The degree to which the student
demonstrates sound reasoning in the
exercise of judgment and decision
making when making
recommendations to reduce
health/safety risks in early childhood
programs.(Points Possible 10)

Students recommendations to
Students recommendations to
improve health or safety risk
improve health or safety risk
demonstrate good judgment and
demonstrate good judgment and
decision making skills in at least 8 of decision making skills in 6 or 7
the 10 entries. Student also includes entries.
cultural and linguistic

Quality of writing. Writing is

proofread and edited for spelling,
grammar, and formatting (Points
Possible: 5)

The assignment is clearly proofread The assignment is clearly

The assignment is clearly
and edited, with no spelling,
proofread and edited, with few proofread and edited, with many
grammatical, or formatting mistakes. spelling, grammatical, or
spelling, grammatical, or
Student cites sources, using correct formatting mistakes.
formatting mistakes. Student may
internal citations, using APA format. Student cites sources, but may not not cite sources.
do so correctly.

Total points received. 57/60

demonstrates knowledge of how

health and safety practices
influence the quality of the early
childhood programs and how
health and safety practices
support development in at least 6
or 7 of the entries.

demonstrates knowledge of how

health and safety practices
influence the quality of the early
childhood programs and how
health and safety practices
support development in less than 6
of the entries.
Students recommendations to
improve health or safety risk
demonstrate good judgment and
decision making skills in less than
6 entries.

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