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Which checkpoint did you incorporate?

7.1: Optimize individual choice and autonomy.

8.3: Foster collaboration and communication.

9.2: Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies.

How and why?

Students were provided the opportunity to
alter their instruments in any way, as long as
they are changing the pitch of their
Students are required to collaborate and
communicate their thoughts on the
questions asked within the guided practice
section of this lesson. It is crucial that
students are optimistic and really hear what
their peers think, as this information will be
necessary to retain at the end of the lesson.
Within the independent practice section of
this lesson, students are required to extend
their engagement in the material by using
their knowledge and strategies to create a
way to alter their instruments pitch. It is
important for students to recognize that this
may require multiple rounds of trial and
error before obtaining success.


Working in new groups

Constructing their own straw instruments

Performing for their parents

How would this help students meet the

Students are most engaged in learning new
material when they are able to discuss new
findings with their peers. By splitting
students up into new groups to work in,
students will have the opportunity to expand
their horizons, listening to new perspectives
on the material.
Aside from learning from others during
group work, students also learn new
information best through hands-on
engagement. By providing each student with
their own straw in the beginning of the
lesson, students would have the opportunity
to brainstorm how to create their own
instruments, without instruction. Not only
would this support students engagement in
the activity, but also provides an opportunity
for the teacher to obtain students
background knowledge.
Aside from playing their instruments for
their peers, it would also be an engaging idea
for students to perform in front of their

parents. This way not only are the students

able to engage in their learning more, but
also their parents. In addition to playing
their instruments, this activity could be an
informal assessment, as students would be
required to explain the different parts of
their instrument, and how the pitch can be

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