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UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PLATTEVILLE STUDENT TEACHING FINAL EVALUATION OF COMPETENCIES Sarah Blabaum Semester: _ Ist Year: 2014-15 all Grade Taught: 2nd Hours Credit: ‘U=Unsatisiactory NO=Not Key: _D=Distinguished __P= Proficient B= Basic (incomplete) Observed Performsas a competent, Performs as a succesifal Performs ‘experienced student beginning student competency; regular. education/practice teacher supervision reqi ‘minimal Requires more SEE RUBRIC Please check each of the following competencies in the space that best ‘represents your judgment ofthe student teacher's performance. Reemet |e xo. DOMAIN 1: PLANNING AND PREPARATION, ‘Demonstrates Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy S Demonstrates Knowledge of Students ‘Selects Instructional Goals ‘Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources IS ‘Designs Coherent Instruction ‘Assesses Student Learning x DOMAIN 2: THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Creates an Environment of Respect and Rappott Establishes a Culture for Learning RIS “Manages Classroom Procedures “Manages Student Bebavior ‘Organizes Physical Space DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION, ‘Communicates Clearly and Accurately IS} [Risin ‘Uses Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engages Student in Learing SIs Provides Feedback to Students Demonstrates Flexibility and Responsiveness DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Refleets on Teaching ‘Maintains Accurate Records ‘Communicates with Families ‘Contributes to the School and District Grows and Develops Professionally ‘Shows Professionalism Sisisisisis] sis, “OVERALL COMPETENCE: (Cirle one) @ B Incomplete nul ite (Steer has ead eration) STUDENT TEACHING FINAL EVALUATION of COMPETENCIES Student Sarah Blabaum EXPLANATIONS AND COMMENTS: 2: This form will be 8. (Please use space below for additional observations of performance or to clarify the competency ratings. Limit comments to space provided.) During Sarah's nine weeks in our second grade classroom, she has proven herself fo bea very responsible, professional and flexible educator. Sarah always reflected on her own performance and her self-assessments were very accurate, She communicated very effectively with the cooperating teacher, colleagues, families, and of ‘course, the students. Sarah was very resourceful during her time here-- bringing in many books and other resources to support our units of study. She utilized our school library as well as several area libraries for a wide variety of materials, Sarah took the initiative to visit our classroom at the end of last year to familiarize herself with the students, our routine and expectations. Starting the year off withthe students, Sarah got to experience the prep work required for getting a classroom and materials ready for an active class of seven-year-olds. Daring Sarah's student teaching experience she got to experience a variety of typi “formative and summative assessments “accommodating students with special needs ‘a field trip “student ariving mid-semester *a student leaving mid-semester * developing an inguiry unit of study ‘report card completion ‘parent-teacher conferences U classroom activities and thas been a pleasure watching Sarah grow into a more confident and prepared educator. We were happy to have her as a part of our second grade classroom, —™Thhiversity Supervisor Signature {press Feacher Signature Pee ees Date ‘School District a a ee : Sel ( ce nts Py weer 1003,

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