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Allen 1 cHDV 110 Principes and Practices ‘Guidance Scenario Example Da’Keisha Allen Octoher 28, 2013 ‘Mrs. Sandy Visser-Jones Victor Valley College Allen2 ‘Scenario: “Tuli pu down the Lion King book fora minute so she could go to the bathroom and when she ‘came back Lisa was reading it. They are now pulling on the book and geting angry. How would ‘you respond? 1 would calmly walk over the gils and ask, “May Ihave the book please?” After receiving the ‘book I would began to use -Message by saying, Gils, I see that you're having a disagreement ‘ver this book and that youboth would like to read tT am glad to see you bob are interested in reading, However, didnot ik to see you fight with each other.” I would then explain the situation by saying, “Lisa, ula was reading the book yb st she only put it down fora ‘bathroom break.” Making sure Lisa is aware of the issue. My second strategy would be to give the girls Choices by saying. “Perhaps you girls can read together or take turns with the book?” Or use Redirection. “Lisa, Since Julia reading the Lion King and I see you are intrested in reading about animals, woud you like me to help you find another book about animals in ou library?” With using the Redirection strategy, acknowledge the childs interest and direct her focus into another book without distracting ber from her interest. | Short term goals: Initially my goal is forthe children to stop fighting. My response to this ‘would encourage sharing. By giving them choices, Tm Supporting decision making : believe my approach will support the long term goals of developing critical ing on the part of the girs. It wil also help the girls understand there are always other tions; they cam have wha: they like but it will have to compromise. Scenario 2: ‘ohn and Sara have discovered that they can make small balls with play dough and sing them ‘cross the room with ther plastic spoons so they stick tothe wall. They think itis very funny! How would you respond? For this scenario I would approach the children and began to use I-Message for my first strategy by saying “I see you guys are having fun and have figured out how to make shapes with the play dough. Good job.” “I've noticed you have been slinging it across the room making the class very dirty. I do not like the class to be dirty.” “Do we think that isa good way to use the play dough?” ‘The child may respond “No.” Then I will ask and suggest ideas such as “Since you've made a 3° cca ye mothe ape wi ay oni the seed sty es Reet by ‘keeping the children focused on using playing but redirecting their ideas withthe play dough. Before allowing the chilrea to start their new interest, Iwill use Natural Consequences by saying, “Since you've made a mess with the play dough, you will need to clean te play dough "ftom across the room before you start making new shapes.” This strategy shows there are ‘consequences for their actions; they make a mess, they will clean after themselves. My last §> strategy would be Reflective and Response. As the children have engaged into making new “3S shapes wit the py doug, Iwill walk by and cknowedge their work by saying, “Ob, you've ‘made a square.” 2 ey a5 Allen 3 ‘Shor term gols: My response this scenario would ceativiy and ayareness of ansequences By kecing tes focus on pay dough, am TERE Making the chien cles, teaches he consequence air each acon hey make Las, making SS responsive comments Iam bing reatonhips with the students and making them aware of SS ‘what they're dong interests me. ¥ ‘Long term goal: They develop citical thi thinking ofthe consequences before acting... ‘They will eam there are other creative ways of doing things without making a mess or misbehaving. Scenario 3: ‘The children are allowed to play with paint in the art are, but Jose carried his paint brush over to the block area where he is makiag one ofthe blocks be. He is concentrating very hard on painting the block. How would you respond? | will approach Jose and calmly began to use I-Message. “Jose, I ee you are enjoying painting. I Jike that you are having fun." “You soem tobe enjoying the blocks at this time.” “I am happy you ae enjoying both things atone time, however you ae ony allowed to paint in the art area." “Tunderstand you ike blue blocks but these blocks are not tobe painted on.” “Would you like to go othe art area and make shages to paint?” With I-Messaging, acknowledge the child's creativity and also make the child aware of my expectations. se bt of redirection by Keeping Jose's focus on painting but also redirecting hs attention oa something much more appropriate. Lastly I will use Refletive and Response by Iter walking over to Jose and stating “You've ‘made ed squares and green cre.” Showing Jose I notice what eis doing and motivating him ‘continue. As stated inthe bock “These deceptively simple responses are very powerful ‘communication tols: "You ae climbing so carefully up the sid.” "You used al ofthe red paint to make your dragon painting” You finished that math ob very quickly today." "You ae waiting patiently for your tum on the trizycle." Simply put, “R & R statements" are words that tell chien hat you ee and ae paying atention to what they ae doing. When youuse these 4A ~ statements frequent, children ae aware that you value ther actions and interests. Regular use of & R statements also helps children make sense of what they are experiencing. (Feeney, p. 200) ‘Short term goal: Firstly, my response to this scenario would promote creativity. By recognizing his ideas, Iam supporting his cratvity. When making responsive comments, Iam letting the child I acknowledge what he is doing. Lanesemsos: Scenario ‘Brenda loves playing inthe house arca. She always wants to pretend that she isthe baby and that Desiree isthe mommy. They pay together for long periods of time without conflict. However, ‘when another child tris to enter the play Brenda becomes frustrated and angry, sometimes yelling atthe other child. Today, when Katie wanted to join in their play, she grabbed up all the dressup clothes and said, “No one else can play in our family. Its jus the mommy and the baby!!? How would you respond? Allen 4 Cally walking over to the children I will began to use Conflict Resolution. Iwill ask the girls, “What's going on?” Katie will reply “I want to play house.” Then Brenda, “I's only mommy ‘and baby.” I then restate the issues by saying, “Katie, Brenda only wants to play as mommy and baby.” “Brenda, Katie would also like tobe apart of your family.” “Is it okay that Katie joins ily?” Brenda may reply “No, only mommy and baby.” I then wil began to explain the ‘dynamistic ofa family by saying “Brenda, do you have a sister? Or an Aunt?” She will then reply “Yes.” Then I'll ask, “Can Katie be your sister? Or your Aunt?” Katie wil begin to play and I will check onthe group by using my second strategy Reflective and Response by stating, “Girls you have a tig family.” Or ask questions about their family ike, “Who's the mother?” “You ae a good mother." ‘Short term goals: My response to this scenario would promote change. By listening, Iam showing I care about how they feel. When giving them choices, I am supporting decision making skills. Showing the girs its okay to sometimes change what they're use. Making responsive comments, Iam builds a relationships with these girls and I am encourages friendship and new adventures. ‘Scenario 5: 3 year-old Stephenbas trouble sting at circle time. Ife sits near you he talks out constantly ‘and pulls on whatever sin your and. Ihe sits ares the circle fom you he pushes the other children and tres ston their space, or rls out ito the middle ofthe ciel. How would you respond? X0 [ss stephen isroting onthe oor wil ally sy “Stephen, Lsee you are having diffe sme behaving in circle, You need to getup and stat your desk with Ms, Mark.” (Ms Marks i the second tacher in he class) With this strategy Iam using Logie comsequence, showing Stephen ‘fhe cannot behave appropriately thea he will not be able to pariipate in circle time withthe other children, (PS | stm nats ad remot ny apo ois sis toe coeieneed ete ee eS oo adr rot ono 0 ‘ons | sept tsa peeromy pa sop enya | | orpmeey Rt Foe an ax semoney pr st roo Seca el soe eesen ee pean [smetem meses se cL lege toranace cypiee ci njstar pot Sharon onan tent — “emcee 9) eee pales am pa tipomsmotan tarp | muon sapecen one | ie)samoc ema or aan t | ogipn mop site som anomoayms | ‘soqgnq og spun moons | pebotegoq saan Auwrimoms | __ Tsong so Meo Sen are age pr a ; ae Gp mami ‘opch eames on be est sxe ‘Som scm amon ry oan wanes sword | “Gor mamezemen ompiairsbr ies ee | spe ay pode: fe oe | sen op pda HORE ED mndsep peng crorcins| " Suehacansytsmest ne)“ epsmenpsiirss mr | rm ona ecw Seon 9 ees Pe oe ere ence | Eee ee pero om ee |udo meer a Sel Gears apm oom | Aipomtanen ages rapes | ow kapem bogs reper eapeg | span oe ope nro lpenwaen| ceontproneyoenn| Ganmerireanpemey| "apeamcecepca, =ugininmmnmntan| comiare aaraaany| emcees sem yed| Sanapsmpne Sa | Paoaemte RT| Wimmer eaters | meena ror eel Poy] UE 5 memes ree se} Fr We Herynadsiov we Yh pees es sx towns yes oe ‘ sor) _“omemronm poe sean op fm Sinan | ams 20m nm rons ont | amo pon Sd monday Bers ny | aces ioe og Fem: | Alaans compe apodeme | "ess Kian soos Feomuoa, somcsoyyogan | anmmmrca, sunsseimc met | sj oer soem Hey opptampacie slrorommst fomappray Sies| woteaoe rtieeepray Skat | cle oman yaa ‘See snide miooapae |" ondeirenetsspms |" cmkiiewanse sees | een mes Cl si096) “onOHOR ‘(€s8095) onapHog Twuorsaos Gm 9 003 )oB POO pomp mten bee eee | een ce er eee eeepc ata eee ny ere ee coset amomarppmeqecpmape: | Syste ccee mawaneyacs| _ qaarmmeiemecnct ng Hay Lemporpenpe cod | wemptactaes eyes poo | suse ye pon eee ooo sum oe Donon opm ee eeetthen sent “Tun woouss0}9 Busi 2xowoud pun aauaysduod p10 §, uaspyyo asoa.ous 0} s9182y0418 uonaD.2NU peo soUDpINS fo KayiOK » autos] SomEuD9§ eodepInE Joy SGM BuIPEI ott AGHO.

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